
Friday, June 19, 2009


Good Morning to You! I made some tags this morning just for fun. The paper I used came from my scrap bin, so I'm sorry I don't know the name of the paper pack.

The girls all came from DJ Inkers art...

I cut the tags using my Cricut Cartridge Plantin Schoolbook and using the shadow feature.

The edges of the artwork and tags were inked using Stampin' Up! Old Olive and Lovely Lilac.

I added ribbon or jewelry to the tags just for fun.

I love your comments!

Click on the "Follow" button to follow my blog!!

More crafts a little later!!


  1. Cute tags, what do you use to apply the ink to the edges?

  2. I just pushed the edge of a sponge into the ink pad and rubbed it down on the edge of the papers. So easy. It's not that it gives it a really big bling "notice me" effect, but comparing items that are sponged to not sponged the difference is amazing.

  3. Darling tags, Janis! Love the little girls. Are you hoping for a grandson or granddaughter?

    I'm doing a Friday sketch over on my blog. I'm hoping to make it a weekly challenge sketch, and I'll be able to pick members for a design team from the entries. I'd love it if you'd consider entering!


  4. I'm hoping for a little girl, but of course will be excited either way.

    I posted a card following your sketch. It's my first sketch challenge... I need to get more accessories or embellishments, or whatever they are called. I really only have paper and stickers. I broke up an old bracelet for the "pearl beads" on the card. lol

  5. Thanks so much for playing along with the sketch, Janis. Your card is just beautiful! Hope that wasn't a favorite bracelet. I guess when it comes to do what you gotta do, LOL! I'm hoping to increase "blog traffic" for everyone who participates, but this was my first sketch, and it may not be to everyone's liking. If I can get more participants, I will
    be starting a design team and if you'd be interested, I'd like you to be a member. I think you're very talented and have a wonderful eye for color and everyone needs to see your cards! I figure more traffic = more friends = more fun! Thanks again Janis.

  6. Mary, I'm so flattered! I'd love to participate!! This is new to me, so you'll have to give me all the rules and expectations. Have a Sunny Saturday! Janis
