
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dear So and So

Kat at 3 Bedroom Bungalow is hosting a "Dear So and So" linkage. Here is your chance to participate. All you have to do is write those things you want to say, or only think of saying after the fact right here. Come on... try some therapy. Don't carry around your bucket of anger, instead write that letter on your blog and let it out. =================== Dear next customer in line at the grocery, Would you please back up! Just because she is finished scanning and bagging my groceries, doesn't mean you can stand right beside me as I attempt to run my card through the little machine. Maybe I want to keep my pin a secret. Why are you standing so close to me? She won't get to you any faster if you stand this close. Please back up. You're in my bubble. Claustrophobic, Janis ================== Dear little unborn grandbaby of mine, I love you. You are going to be so beautiful, I just know it. You are a precious gift, and we are so very glad to be blessed with you! All my love, Your grandmama =================== Dear Driver who doesn't understand city driving, Why did you stop in the middle of the road to talk to a pedestrian walking down the sidewalk? Was it really that important for you to stop traffic? Do you realize you almost cause an accident? Do you care? I think not. Driver's Manual enclosed, Peeved ====================== Dear all my Bloggy friends, I love all your comments! Thank you so much for all the nice things you say. You brighten my day! Blessings and Hugs, Janis