Good morning my bloggy friends!!
This morning I have tons of errands to run and a quick trip out of town to take one of my girls to stay with her cousin for the rest of the week and next week. (They will have tons of fun shopping, boy talking, swimming, movies, etc.)
Before I left, I thought I'd show you a sample of some of my simple, simple scrapbook pages. These pages were made in 2007, so these aren't exactly current pics, but I thought you may enjoy some of them.
Thank you to everyone who leaves me such nice comments!! They really make me smile and brighten my day!!
I would love it if you would leave a comment with a link to some of your scrapbook pages. I'm always looking for ideas.
This is our youngest daughter, Bonnie. Our sweet little BonBon. The flower was punched using black cardstock and a circle punch for the center. The petals were punched with light blue cardstock using an oval punch. The edges of the petals were sponged with ink from Stampin' Up.

I don't know if you can read this, but the picture is set to the shape of the letter "L". The circles have writing in them that say things like, "Life's Little Lessons". This is our middle daughter, Kati, with her dad, my husband, Tom. He is teaching her how to change a tire. Something every girl should know right? (Um.... I don't have a clue how to do it!)

This is our sweet little BonBon. Poor darling! On our week long trip to Disney in 2000, she tripped and feel at the entrance gate busting her little forhead right open. A trip to the emergency room and lots of stitches later, she was worn out. This is our special needs daughter. It was very, very heartbreaking for me to see her in so much pain and knowing she didn't understand what was going on around her. You can believe she gots lots of cuddles and special treats. Disney even gave us free passes, free ice cream, and some other goodies seeing how we missed that day at the park. Fortunately, we were with my husband's brother and his family, so our other kids were able to stay and enjoy the day at the park with them.

We love to camp! Here is Bonnie at one of our many, many camping trips. This partricular trip was to Yogi In The Smokies. If you love to camp and have young ones, you must stay here! They always have family and kids activities. And every evening around 6pm or so, there is a hayride with Yogi, BooBoo, and the girl bear (can't remember her name). Bonnie was fascinated with these characters. Her eyes were so big like she was awe struck by a cartoon coming to life. The yellow strip is actually a pull tab. When you pull it, there is a "waterfall" of flipped images on each square. Very fun!

Here are all of our girls. Each picture was taken in a different year. I'm not one of those scrapbookers who get hung up on doing everything in order. I mix and match everything. Trying to go by rules just stresses me out. Scrapbooking is supposed to be fun and creative, not stressful. And the goal is to document, right? The pigtail girl is Kati with her cousin Mollie in the bacground. The beautiful girl in the pic beside her is our oldest daughter, Keri, who is now expecting! And of course our little BonBon at the bottom wearing the helmet. Tom used to do lots of car racing, and this was taken at one of his events. The frog was printed on the computer on green cardstock and cut out with scissors. The dragon flies and clouds were die cuts using Sizzix.

The top picture here is from our Hook annual BBQ. Our family lives on old farming land. There are 9 houses around 2 ponds. Everyone gets their tractors (riding lawn mowers), paints and decorates them in a certain them, and we all ride them to the BBQ. After we eat there are tons of games for the kids and the men with their tractors... tractor pull, tractor race, balloon toss, etc. Tons of fun every year! The middle pic is me and Kati when my hair was short. (I'll never do that again!) Keri is at the bottom. This was one of her Senior pics.

This is our oldest child, James. He is in the Army. He has already served in the War in Iraq. He is now stationed at Fort Irwin in California and loving it there! Unfortuntealy, he probably won't be there long. It is rumored that he will be going back to the war in Iraq in a few months. The "Our Soldier" was cut with Sizzix die cut letters "Shadow letters". I LOVE THESE DIE CUT LETTERS!

Here is Tom and our girls again. Tom with Keri at the top. The bottom is Kati, Bonnie and Keri. I absolutely love these pictures!! Our daughter, Kati, is an art major in college now majoring in photography. But she also does drawings and paintings. She painted the bottom picture of her and her two sisters. I'll see if I can find it and post it here. Her work is amazing! The "Our Girls" was cut with Sizzix die cut letters "Shadow letters". I LOVE THESE DIE CUT LETTERS!

Here is a picture of Kati and the self portrait painting she did of it beside it. Isn't she awesome?!

Here is our deceased family member, Draco. He was such a love! We still miss him so much!! The tombstone was made with DJ Inkers and printed from the computer.

This is Kati and her best friends a few summers ago. Sweet, sweet girls. All different shapes, colors, and personalities. What a very loving, fun group! The hanging sign was made with DJ Inkers and printed from the computer.

This is Keri's graduation page. She let Bonnie wear her cap for the picture. We are so proud of her. I have another page next to it that contains a book of all her senior photos. What a gorgeous girl she is! The School's Out was printed from the computer.

Okay, so finally I'm actually in the scarpbook! LOL Seems like I take all the pictures instead of being in them. Which is really okay with me, but one day our children or grandchildren may be curious as to what I looked like way back when. I'm in the top photo with Keri and Tom. The bottom photo shows Keri with her grandma (Tom's mama). (Oh, and yes, I'm the shortest one in the family.)

Our son James at his graduation. Yes, they graduated the same year, but at 2 different schools. Long story, but basically we moved during their Senior year and Keri moved with us, while James decided to stay and finish school where he was. Anyway, that's James and his grandma at the bottom. We thought about it later and noticed that their grandma wore the school colors to each graduation... and she didn't even know she was doing it! LOL
Okay, so that was a lot, but I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my very simple pages. I have some beach pages I'd love to post later. If I have time this afternoon and aren't dead from all my driving and running, I'll do it then.
Love your comments! Have a great day! Don't forget to leave a link to some of your pages for us to see!!