We had so much fun today at my husband's company family outing!
There was Bingo with prizes (Bonnie won a HUGE basket full of toys and animals); miniature ponies, turkeys, parrots, ostriches; swimming; face painting; DJ; so much food!!!!! Oh! And mechanical Bull Riding!! What a hoot to watch that!

It was so hot! The temp was supposed to be in the 90's with a heat index at 110. I forgot to check what the temp actually ended up being, but it was HOT! Thank goodness they had a large shelter with picnic tables and fans blowing.

The picture above was a very large obstacle course. The co-workers decided to race each other through that. Now that was funny!

Here is just a few of the prizes they had for the BINGO!

Yep, that's my man! Riding that bull!! I was standing beside the guy handling the controls and kept whispering, "faster, faster". hahahahahaha Tom did really good, but he got flung off that wild ride after awhile.
I hope everyone else had a GREAT, fun day! I'll post some crafts tomorrow! Sleep tight!