
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone is having a Happy Easter!

My friends and family down in South Carolina says the weather is HOT - mid 80's.  And everything is yellow.  Mama said they washed the yellow off the car yesterday and today it's covered again.

This morning here it was snowing a little.  No yellow powder floating around yet.  *YEAH!*

I'm very excited!  We have been looking for Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board for months now and everyone is always sold out.  We found it this morning!!  It's sitting in the box in our apartment.  As soon as Bonnie is finished playing her new Wii Cars game, it's going to be time to hook that Wii Fit sucker up and check it out.

Time to go get the homemade Vegetable soup going for supper tonight.  Oh, and get the clothes washed.  Oh, and unload the dishwasher.  Oh and straighten up randomly placed items that need to be put away.

Have a fun, happy, family day today.
Thank You, Jesus, for the love You have for me and my friends and family.

What are you doing today?