
Friday, May 7, 2010


My hubby came up to me this morning and said,

"Have your bags packed and ready

to leave by 6 in the morning."  

Yeah!  I love it when he surprises me with weekend get-aways!

We are going to Valdez, Alaska to the May Day Fly-In.  It's an airplane show.  Click here for the Valdez event calendar describing it.  Click here to go to the Fly-In site.

I'll catch you guys up on weekend events when we get back.  I've got some projects in mind for today, so hopefully I'll get those posted a little later.

And for those of you who are interestined in our CAROLINATOALASKA blog, I updated it yesterday with some pictures from me and Bonnie's walk yesterday.  Click here to go check them out.

Have a great day guys!  I'll be back in a little while!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun tomorrow and have a good Mother's Day, I'm heading for NJ tomorrow.

