
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lion Miss You

Here's another card for today. Scroll down to see an earlier post for a card with flowers and an alligator (such an adorable image!).

Again with this card, I used a card base from a box of all occasion cards. This particular card was a birthday card. It's a little oversized... so glad I have the perfectly sized envelope to go with it from the box!

I left the sentiment inside unchanged, so even though the outside says, "I Miss You," the inside still says, "especially on this day... Happy Birthday!"

I covered the outside of this original birthday card with patterned paper and followed this sketch from Delightful Sketches, Sketch #1 (the challenge is now over, but the sketch is still a good layout!).

I'm not sure if you would call me a good recycle-r or just a pack rat, but the ribbon I used is from an old flower arrangement my mother made me one fall. The flowers have long since moved on to another dimension, but I have had this ribbon laying around for ages.

The image is from a search on Google for free color book pages. The paper is from my new stack from Walmart, All Occasions. I used my Crop-A-Dile to punch tiny holes for the K&Company brads I attached. Yes, one brad tends to dip down a little... and yes, the Crop-A-Dile does have a setting to make sure all your holes are perfectly lined up, but hey, every craft I ever do has some of my whacky personality rubbed off on it. I quit trying to get everything perfect a long time ago. The secret is to call whatever you've done "ART". That gives you free license to goof up and everyone else thinks it's just how you created it. :) LOL

I wonder how many more creations I'll get to do today before I have to go help hang drywall? Hmmmm.... I must say, making these 2 cards this morning has really given me a boost... sort of like a sugar high. I love playing in my crafts!



  1. Great card Janis!! Thanks for entering our very first sketch challenge over at Delightful Sketches!!

  2. Hi Janis

    Ooh lovin' that lion - really cool colours and love what you did with the ribbon


  3. Hi Janis, thaks so much for your visits and lovely comments, I just love reading them.
    This card is just fabulous, such wonderful 'happy' colours and that ribbon is scrumptious.
    I used to terrible problems getting my holes in a line (I could swear one of my eyes is higher than the other lol)now I use a ruler and mark them with dots and cut over the dot - problem solved (usually!!!).
    hugs Heather xx

  4. Oooh, I love how you did your ribbon!

  5. wow Janis that lion is fabulous and that ribbon perfect to go with him
    Mina xxx

  6. Hi Janis, this card is so cute! I love that image and the ribbon is just gorgeous! Happy Sunday! Hugs, Carly

  7. Thanks for the comment love! The ribbon has some wire on the edges so I was just able to fold it and have it stay like that on the bottom. :)

  8. Janis, congrats to you. You won the Blog Candy tote from my blog hop. Please email me with your address details and I will get the tote mailed. Remember there are beads on the tote so it isn't for wee ones...
    Congrats. I am so glad you won.

  9. Janis, love your fun, happy card! Great job! Love the layout and the colors.

    I read in your bio that you love to read, read, read. Me too! What are you reading right now?

  10. Great card! So glad you joined the challenge!

  11. Great job thanx for playing with us:o)

  12. Great card! Love the colors! Thanks for playing along with us in our first challenge at Delightful Sketches.
