
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bug on Walk

Bonnie was so good yesterday! And this morning she understood no Pop Tart with no walk. She walked 1.10 miles with me today.

We saw this interesting bug on the sidewalk during our morning walk. It's a Cicada. It's very large and his wings are so transparent. It was actually a beautiful creature. Good thing it didn't make any sound as I was leaning way over to photograph it within inches of touching it or I would have woken up the whole neighborhood with my screaming. :)

Check out this site to see a cool gif of a cicada bug being "changed" to one with wings that looks just like the one we saw this morning on our walk. And also, click on the sounds from Greece to hear what it sounds like. Very cool.

I was really tickled yesterday with making the Paperbag Greetings. I'm thinking of doing another project along those lines today. Have you created a Paperbag Greeting? If so, please leave a comment with your link so we can all check out your artwork.

I attended my first Weight Watcher's meeting yesterday. Well... the first one in 3 years anyway. It felt so good to be around other men and women who have the same goal, struggles, triumphs, and success stories. There were 4 of us there who were returning members after being absent for several years. I'm looking forward to seeing results.

Have a great morning! I'll check back with you later on with a project hopefully.
