
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Camping List

Before I get into crafting today, I've been checking out the blogs I follow... yes, I actually do check on them everyday although I may not comment on every single one every single day. :) While visiting Mama Kat's (and if you haven't been over there, you simply must find time to blog things other than crafts once in a while - there are so many personalities out there!) I noticed that she has listed as one of her writing prompt inspirations another blog I follow Kisatrtle. Kisatrtle is camping this week and staying blog and email free for 5 days. She's hoping when she gets back she'll have lots of new followers and comments waiting on her. Why not pop over there really quick and leave her some comment love? Kisatrtle has listed 5 things she likes to do while camping... and it isn't the kind of list you may think. LOL So, being inspired, I've decided with Mama Kat's prompt and Kisatrtle's inspiration to create my own "5 Things I like to do when Camping" list. First of all you must know that I LOVE camping!! It is always an adventure with my family!
  1. The first thing I like about camping, is snuggling in the same sleeping bag with my hubby. We zip 2 bags together to make our little nest. And when we camp in the fall there are so many warm reasons not to unzip that bag!
  2. Usually when we camp, my husband's oldest brother (and best friend) and his family come camping along with us. However, there have been several camping trips where my extneded family (brother, cousins, aunts, etc) and their younguns have come with us. We'll take up a whole lane at the campground. There is so much laughter and not just from the kids! Our kids are very social and always tend to bring new friends back to our campsite where we'll talk around the campfire and learn about new people from different areas. It's amazing all the different kinds of people from all the different places in the country and all the different backgrounds you can meet. I love it! (Everyone has a story to tell, and I'm fascinated and want to hear them all!)
  3. It's always a lot of fun when someone brings out the guitar and / or banjo around the campfire at night. Or when my uncle starts a silly game that goes around like "Poor Uncle Charlie", or word association.
  4. You know what I really, really like about camping?! My husband takes over the cooking the entire time! I love the smell of grilled ____________ (fill in the blank). Everything taste better when cooked outdoors!
  5. And lastly, but not limited to when we are just camping, I love it when my husband and I sit in our chairs and watch the other activities going on in the campground. The bikers passing. The teenage girls passing while surely gossiping about the cute boys. The elderly couples going by. The golf carts full of everything but the kitchen sink headed to the beach. The birds, the trees, the sunrise, sunset, moon and stars... When I'm camping I don't think about all those things I should be doing like laundry, vaccumming, etc. I'm so at peace and loving being with my family with our only entertainment being ourselves. And the biggest decision I have to make is what I want Tom to grill for the next meal.
I know this post was sort of long. I do tend to be chatty. I hope everyone has a blessed day! I'll post some crafts in a little while. Hugs! Janis P.S. These camping pictures are all from many, many years ago.