
Monday, July 27, 2009

Homeschooling Today

We homeschool our special needs daughter, Bonnie. She's on her own little path in life, and we love having such a major part in her education.

Today is her first day of school! We got up this morning, put on our shoes, and had PE class outside walking 0.7 miles around the neighborhood.

We practiced good road safety by staying on the sidewalk, walking facing traffic, and stopped at all stop signs looking both ways before crossing.

She even practiced her social skills by saying "morning" to two other women out walking this morning. It's was such lovely weather. Cool, dry, the promise of sunshine to come, and the company was precious. :)

When we came home, we practiced good health skills by washing up. Then we had our breakfast. She's looking forward to a visit to the library a little later on today. That's her favorite place to go!

I hope all of you have a blessed day. Remember to pause and think of those in your life. Pray for them. You never know what someone else is going through.
