
Sunday, October 3, 2010


You know I love surprises!  Yesterday morning, Tom said, "Get ready to go!"  Yeah!  I wonder where we are off too?  Hmmm.... we went to Chic fil' a drive through for breakfast - that's rare.  We usually eat sausage and eggs at home on the weekends.  Hmmmm.... we stopped at the ATM.  We hardly ever carry cash.  Where in the world are we going?  Then we hit the interstate.  So we are going somewhere out of town.  I just love an adventure!

Well, we went to Riverbanks Zoo & Gardens in Columbia, SC.  What a fun time!  Our daughter, Kati, whose 20th birthday is this week met us there - another surprise for me.

We had a blast!  I was disappointed though that all the gorillas were hiding.  I was so looking forward to seeing a gorilla - I've never seen one in person.

Here are tons of pics.  Yes, I'll be ordering some photos from Shutterfly this week and making a ZOO mini album.  How fun!!!

OH, and I don't think I've told you guys yet..... we are moving.... AGAIN.  We really want to get back to Alaska as soon as possible.  We miss being there so much.  The company Tom works for in Alaska has a contract job in Texas for about 6-7 months.  So we are moving to Texas in a few weeks for a 6-7 month stop-over before heading back to Alaska.  It's so fun to be married to a man with a great sense of adventure!

Enjoy the ZOO pics!!