
Thursday, October 28, 2010


Can you believe ...

WOW!  Where has the year gone?

You guys know all about my Challenge Blog, Paper Playtime, right?
What most challenge blogs call their "Design Team" we call our "Queens".
Well, our Queens are getting together for Fun-Filled Stocking Stuffer Blog Hop!

This blog hop will be all about 
Inexpensive Gift Giving Ideas.  
Someone you want to do a little "something" for.  
And of course, all handmade projects.

You don't want to miss it!!

Please add the Blog Hop button to your sidebar with a link back to PauseDreamEnjoy where 
the hop will begin on 
Saturday, December 11th, 2010.  
And do spread the word on Facebook and your other crafty networks and groups.

There will be CANDY!  What's a Christmas Stocking without Candy?