
Friday, January 22, 2010

Berry Sweet Card

I went shopping today at Joann's and Michael's! Wooo-Whooo!  I brought home the sweetest paper by K & Company.  It's called "Berry Sweet," and it's double sided gorgeousness.  Is that a word?  Well, it is now. :)

I needed a Get Well card, so I made one fast with this paper.  The stack is 8.5" x 8.5".  I pulled out a sheet, and cut it in half for the card.  I didn't add any images or other paper except for a small purple piece to write a sentiment on.  (Wow, I've used purple a lot lately.)

I used 2 of the Prima flowers kept together and on the card with a pink flower brad.  The I put a Zot on a small very light blue glass marble to the center of the flower.  So pretty.  The chipboard tag is from ColorBok and says, "Wishing You a Speedy Recovery."

Hugs!  Have a fabulous weekend!!  Janis


  1. I love paper. I love and adore double sided paper. I cherish it all and it is a great struggle for me to use it. This card is just darling...and just look at your stash of bright beautiful colors... I just looked at the temp of 15 degrees in your neck of the woods and I immediately stopped whining about the 50 degrees here in Phoenix, AZ.

  2. lol@ Carole!

    I love that paper and need to get some.... I love the fact that you can cut it in half and it's the perfect size for a card.
    So the marble worked?
    The card is so cheerful,lovin the colors.
    Guess what??? I will be meeting Robyn aka pink stamper tomorrow at CHA! I'm excited to meet many people, maybe even Tim Holtz and Cricut himself!!!

  3. Thanks, everyone! I love paper too, and I've never bought the larger size K&Company double sided paper. I've ooooed and aaaaahhhhed over it, but never wanted to spend the $$ since Joann's seems to always have the DCWV half price so often. But these colors and patterns just made me smile and I had a coupon, so I went for it. Ended up, it was on sale afterall without the coupon.

    Lizzy, I know you are going to have a blast! What does CHA stand for anyway? I can't wait for you to tell us all about it.

    Sue - I love the new background too. It's pink, and pretty, and soothing to the eyes ..... I think so anyway. But you know me, I change it often. :)
