
Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Can you believe we are already on Week 6 of our Mini Me Book?!
This week your question is simple:  What's your favorite season?
Mine is FALL!  I love the orange, browns, and golds; pumpkins, scarecrows, hayrides, Halloween, Thanksgiving... all that jazz.
For my page I used pattern paper from DCWV Autumn Splendor stack.  The tree is all glittery, and so is the Fall tag.  This is a gorgeous paper stack for Autumn!
Submit your page with the blue button below!  Remember, you can see all the previous by clicking 52Q on the top of my blog.  You can add your page for any week at any time until we are finished with a year's worth of questions next August.  Sweet!
Have a fun week!!
:) Janis


  1. Now this weeks is going to be so much easier! I haven't done last weeks yet. I haven't had anything exciting happening in my life. Sad but true! This coming weekend is Family Reunion so maybe then!! I will get one made for last week though. I just loooove your fall tree. Beautttttiful!!! :)

  2. I am so far behind on my album but I did get the binding rings for it yesterday! It is not helping that all of my scrapbook stuff is packed in boxes until the big move next week.

    This is an easy one for me to do as well....Fall is my fav.

  3. I told you this one was easier for me!! I'm starting to think I should have done something bigger than these tags! :)
