
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Live Simply

The Pink Stamper has changed her blog address to My Pink She is celebrating having over a million hits to her site! Wow! That's a lot of hits!! All this week she will be giving a challenge and a prize. Go check it out!

Today she is remembering back to the 80's and the one crafting item she just had to have. She's asking us to remember back and post a project with whatever crafting item was on our HOT list that we just HAD to have. Mine was a brayer.

This card is so easy to make, but looks so cool. :)

All you have to do is be SURE you use glossy paper. No, photo paper that is glossy does not work. I know. I tried it. Or then again, maybe it will work for you and I'm just unable to make it happen?

Using my brayer, I inked up the roller with a Stampin' Up yellow ink pad. Then I brayed over the entire front surface of the card.

I punched a large circle and used my Zig 2-way glue pen to put the circle temporarily on the card where you want to "moon" or "sun" to be.

Next, I inked up my brayer again with a different color. In this card I used a soft orange. I wanted the look of sunset or early morning.

After braying the second color, remove the circle to reveal a perfectly round yellow sun. So pretty.

Next I used simple stamps that could be stamped in black for a silhouette affect and added a sentiment that says, "Live Simply".

I just love this card!

There are tons of people out there who also use the brayer to make beautiful fading, colorful backgrounds. I have never been successful in that attempt. My lines always show and never blend to perfection. But it is a lot of fun, if you want to give it a try.

Thank you again for all your comments! You guys rock!



  1. I love using a brayer, although I have not had mine out in a while and now I want a soft one, and i need some better inks...the list goes on..I'snt that always the way! (LOL)

    You have done a fantastic job, always love that effect of the sun! and the silhoutte trees! Just fansatic! Love it!

  2. Awesome card Janis! Thanks for sharing your technique. It gives a really cool look to your card, and I love the sentiment!

    Didn't get to make your album or talk to Lynn last night :( Too dang busy having to do other things! Maybe tonight?

  3. I love my brayer!! I also forget to take it out all the time!! Great job with the challenge! I love it!!

  4. This is super cute! I am playing along with Robyn too this week and am looking forward to seeing everyone's daily creations!

  5. Excellent card Janis!!!!! Love it...great sentiment too!!
