This is our daughter, Kati, a sophomore this year in college. She recently rented a house with another girl who is also a sophomore. Kati asked me if I would get her a chocolate cake mix and icing when I bought her groceries over the weekend. Of course I didn't mind.
We have always been a family who loves baking cakes. When the girls were little (about 10 years old) and they would have friends sleep over, their thing to do was bake a cake. Usually this was a big deal because most of the friends they had sleep over had never done this on their own before. My girls were always baking cakes (yummy!).
Kati sent this picture to me and Tom yesterday. I had to call her laughing and asking "What happened to the cake? Daddy wants to know if you put it in the blender?" LOL
She just laughed and said they used a rectangle pan and then sliced the thickness of the cake in half. (I don't know why in the world they thought this would be a good idea.)
When they added the icing and then put the 2nd layer on top... they realized they didn't wait long enough for the cake to cool and the cake started sliding from the icing melting. LOL She said they kept pushing it back up.... I don't think it helped.
Kati said the good news was it tasted delicious even though it look disastrous.
How fun. I'm so glad they are enjoying college, their new rental, and using the kitchen. At least I know they won't starve!
I'm thinking I'm definitely going to add this pic to my next Shutterfly order. This is most assuredly a scrapbook page!