
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Weight Watchers Wednesday

{This post was suppose to go live LAST Wednesday, April 8th, but we have been in the process of moving and without internet until TODAY.}

Good morning!  So glad you stopped by for my Weight Watchers Wednesday post.

I was doing so good last week until the Easter Bunny came with all that chocolate. I admit it. I went a little crazy eating chocolate over the weekend.

My weigh-in day was Monday. I lost a whopping 0.2 pounds. Hey - I'll take it! Any loss is a good loss!

Your challenge for this week:  Walk at least 5,000 steps a day. You can track them with something like a VivoFit or similar wrist band device, or you can use your iPhone Health app or other similar free app for your phone. 5,000 steps may sound like a lot, but it's really not. You'd be surprised.  Let me know next week in the comment section if you reach your goal!

Until next week,
:) Janis

P.S. I know this is short - I'm writing this on Monday morning, and I've got lots of packing to do for the move!