
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Weight Watchers Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! How was your weekend? Did you stay on track with your Weight Watchers? We had another fun weekend and did some eating out too. I like to save my Weekly Points for weekends because that does seem to be when we eat out and grill and do those things that may cost more points if I indulge myself a little.

Friday night we had take out Chinese. mmmm

Saturday morning we had Bojangles. I love their Cajun Filet Biscuits (14 points!)

Saturday lunch Tom grilled some of those yummy Bubba Bacon Cheddar burgers again (per my request). I did the same thing I did last weekend and ate 1/2 for lunch and 1/2 for supper.

But I stayed within my daily and weekly points easy, and still enjoyed eating out and grilling out. It's two of my favorite things to do with the family!

Monday was Weigh-in Day! How do you think I did?

This week's weigh-in:
-2.0 for the week
-11.4 since start
Today I reached 5% of my weight loss total goal.

Since I've been doing Weight Watchers I've been drinking more water than I did before I started WW. I haven't had soda daily like I used to. But since Diet Soda is 0 points, I broke down and bought some Diet cokes when grocery shopping over the weekend. Doesn't taste nearly as good as regular coke, but drinking water only does get a bit boring after a while.

That's it for this week's update. Not a lot going on. Enjoy the rest of your week. See you again next Wednesday for another Weight Watchers Wednesday post. If you are following the WW program, leave me a comment with how you're doing and what is one of your favorite things about it.

Smiles! :) Janis