
Monday, July 2, 2018

CTMH Monday News & Inspiration

Hi, everyone!
There is so much going on each month at Close To My Heart - always a new promotion, a new Stamp of the Month, etc, that I thought instead of flooding my blogfeed with multiple posts, I'd try to do a Monday News & Inspiration post instead. We'll see how this goes. Let me know if there is something in particular you'd like to hear about.

First of all, please bookmark my online store link...


Our July Stamp of the Month is called, "Highlight Reel." It works great with card making and scrapbooking.
Item Number: S1807
Product Description: Set of 23 stamps. Get this D-size Stamp of the Month set for just $5 with a $50 order. For every $50 on your order, you can add an additional SOTM to your cart for another $5. Or you can purchase the stamp set individually for $17.95.


During July, buy an two My Acrylix stamp sets at the full retail price and get a third stamp set of equal or lesser value free! Choose from stamp sets in the current Annual Inspirations or Seasonal Expressions 2, plus the popular Solos number and letter stamp sets that we've brought back just for July! (see more info on Solos below.)


Solos stamp sets can be purchased by individual Alphabet Letter, Individual Number sets, or in two different bundles - one for letters and one for numbers, for even more savings!


Have you checked out this new product line? We have the Workshop Kit with 3 different album covers (shown above) plus 2 different stamp sets geared toward your Story and other tools to help you build your story..


Our July featured paper collection is CENTRAL PARK. This just means you will be seeing projects on my blog using featuring this paper collection this month, and also inspiration on the main page of the online CTMH store.


Would you like to earn FREE CTMH product in July?! Invite your friends to take advantage of our July specials by ordering at my online store and clicking YOUR Online Gathering button! Orders are processed right away, so your friends don't have to wait for your party to close to know their order is on the way. You can have your party button available for a week giving everyone plenty of time to shop at their own convenience. All they have to do is shop at my online store, and be sure to click YOUR online gathering button so you will receive all of the Hostess credit accumulated from your friends' orders! It's that easy! When everyone has had time to shop, you and I will chat to close out your party. Be sure to have your own order ready and your list of items you hope to receive FREE and Half Price using your Hostess Credits. It's a great way to have an excuse for a GIRLS CRAFT NIGHT to play with your new goodies. 


I'm toying with the idea of having CTMH Stamp Club Groups. This is something I did in the past, and it was a huge success. But I understand a lot of my friends live out of the United States (and as a CTMH USA Consultant, I can only service US residents), and then lots of my friends already have a CTMH consultant. So, just throwing this out there. If you are interested, let me know. You can private message me on Facebook, or email me at  

Here is a summary of how it works:
1) Three members in each club group
2) Each member commits to ordering a minimum of $50 for 3 consecutive months. In this case $50 in July, $50 in August, and $50 in September. ($50 Before tax and shipping)
3) Each member takes turns being the Hostess and reaping the Hostess benefits. Once a group of 3 is filled, I will randomly assign who will be the hostess for July, August, and September.
4) Your $50 order is due by the 5th of each month. Please make sure you can commit to this dollar amount and this time schedule so that all three of the hostesses reap the full benefits she is due during her month. 
5) When it's your turn to host, invite all of your friends to shop at my online store clicking YOUR gathering button so you will receive hostess credit from their order. Each order is processed and shipped when ordered. They do not have to wait for your party to close.


This was long, and there is still more news to come later this month. Lots to get excited about!
Thanks for hanging in there with me. Future posts, won't be so long, I promise.

Enjoy your week!
Big Hugs!
Janis, Ind. Close To My Heart Consultant