
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Weight Watchers Wednesday

Hi, everyone! I hope you have stayed the course on your weight loss journey since we last chatted on last Wednesday. I got a surprise in my email yesterday morning. Weight Watchers told me that my friend had signed up with my link, and I was going to receive a FREE month!  It didn't say who the friend was, so just know your privacy is protected if you use my link to join WW. Whoever you are, THANK YOU for joining with my link, and CONGRATULATIONS on your first step toward reaching your goal weight. I'm so very proud of you. You can do this! Just remember, we are not perfect and our weigh-in days may show loss, no loss, or gain on some weeks. Don't give up! Just keep doing what WW recommends and you will succeed.

Here is my current weigh-in chart. I lost -2.4 pounds on my Monday Weigh-in day. Now, that is not normal. I did a lot of work outside last week and over the weekend, so I'm sure that boosted my weight loss. My total weight loss since I started at the end of January is -23.2 pounds! Gone! Outta here! Buh-bye!

Thank you all so much for sitting with me each Wednesday while I blog my Weight Loss Journey. I love your comments and emails. Keep them coming!

If you would like to join Weight Watchers, I'd LOVE it if you would use my link.

Join Weight Weights with my link HERE.

To read about my journey from the beginning, click on the Weight Watchers tab at the top of my blog.

See you next Wednesday!

P.S.  I want to say that FRUIT has really helped me in my weight loss. Most fruits count ZERO points and are great to snack on during the day instead of grabbing that chocolate or other high point food. Not that you can't ever have chocolate or high point foods, because you can with WW. Just be sure to count the points and stay within your daily allowance and weekly allowance and you can do that. Snacking on fruit will help you save those points for bigger meals at celebrations or going out to eat if that's what you enjoy like me.

:) Janis