
Friday, March 23, 2012

52 Tags in 2012 Ch# 12 (Week 12)

52 Tags Week # 12 Challenge:
For Week # 12, Create a tag in any style you'd like. 
On the back write about your LAST or NEXT major purchase giving as many details as possible. 
REMEMBER: You do NOT have to share what you write on the back in your post.

Project #80 of this year

All cuts are from NATE'S ABCs cartridge.
"H" was cut @ 2" p. 46.
Phrase was cut @ 1 1/2" p. 46.
"$" was cut @ 1" and 1 1/2" p. 24.

Tag base is cut from ELEGANT EDGES "Swirl 2" on page 39 cut @ 4 1/2" using the Oblong and Shadow features.

Background paper from Recollections "All Girl" stack.
