
Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Enter Challenges On My Blog

You can always ACCESS this SAME INFORMATION from the above PAGE TAB entitled 

How to upload your project on my blog:
1) Create a project, take a picture of it, and post it to YOUR blog.

2)  Click on the TITLE of your blog post so that POST is the ONLY post showing on your blog page.  You will notice your web address bar will change to your blog name including your post name with it.

Blog Address

Post Address - this is the one you want to use

3) Click on your address bar. It should highlight. RIGHT click and hit COPY.

4) Go to my blog.

5) Click on the BLUE FROG button to enter your project.

6) URL - RIGHT CLICK inside the URL box and hit PASTE - you should see your blog post address fill in here

7) Enter your name in the next box

8) Enter your email address in the next box

9) Click NEXT step

10) Click on your PROJECT PICTURE you are entering for this challenge

Voila!  You are done.  You should see a thumbnail of your project picture with your name beneath with a small "x" next to your name.  If you entered the wrong project, you can click on the "x" to remove your entry and try posting it again.

Hope this helps!