
Friday, June 12, 2015

You've Got This

Many of you know I've been on Weight Watchers since the last week of January this year. A friend of mine recently signed up with WW also, and I wanted to make her a card of encouragement. Because trying to lose weight is a huge mental battle for so many of us (me included), its always nice to hear a word of support from your friends and family. 

  • Sil ID# 80009 - Scale shaped card
  • Rhinestones - Walmart
  • Tiny Silver Brad - Stampin Up
  • Die Cut banner and smiling woman - Fancy Pants
I am addicted to Die Cut packs! Where do you guys shop for them? I only have 2 packs that came as part of an order and just love them. I want to use them cards I'm making and in my scrapbooks!

  • Cardz TV Stamps - Just Saying set 
I thought that sentiment stamp from Cardz TV was PERFECT for the inside of this card!!

One more thing...... have a fabulous Friday darlings!

:) Janis


  1. Your friend is going to love the scale. I saw this one in the store and was going to get it when it was on sale, but then the computer issue. It is still on my wish list!

  2. This is so dang cute! Your friend will really appreciate you letting her know you're there for support! Awesome card! Have a Creative Weekend! :)

    Scrappers Anonymous
