
Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Little eek! To You

If you are looking for the Getting Cricky Blog Hop & SPECIAL Discount Code (20% OFF YOUR ORDER OF K Andrew Design Stamps through thisWEEKEND ONLY)

Eeek!  I'm squeaking! LOL  I made 2 Robot cards today. This is one of them and the other will be posted next week.  They both use the same image, but the cards are a little different in the papers, layouts, and sentiments used. 

 The background paper and Ribbon is from My Mind's Eye ROBOTZ paper kit. It also has chipboard diecuts, paper diecuts and brads in the kit. Very cool kit!

I added some crazy googlie eyes and buttons.  Gotta have buttons!  The Robot is cut from ROBOTZ Cricut cartridge page 28 cut @ 3 1/2". Keypad overlay Row 1, Column 1. The sentiment is 3 different stamps from K Andrew Designs' stamp set "Fall-O-Ween". I love her mix 'n' match sets!  Here's a close-up of the sentiment stamp.

And here's all the stamps in this set....

I hope you are having a very fun, relaxing Sunday!  Thanks for taking the time to stop by. And thank you so much for all the nice comments you guys have been posting!  Be sure to stop back tomorrow for the WINNER announcement from the Getting Cricky Blog Hop!  If you missed it, just CLICK HERE.  Remember, this weekend when you order K Andrew Design stamps and use the discount code
at checkout, you'll receive 
20% off your order!  Woo-Hoo!  See you all tomorrow!
Hugs! Squeak, Squeak.... :) Janis


  1. Fun card Janis! love your robot and love the sentiment!

  2. This is too cute for words.....I love that little robot.

  3. And Squeak to you too!!! Love your little robot card! The googlie eyes are great! Love how you put the sentiment together!! :)

  4. This is so fun, Janis! I love the colours you've chosen for this - and such a great sentiment!!

  5. Such a FUN card!!! I love the google eyes...cute touch!
    Sherrie K

  6. LOVE it!!! i too love this cartridge! - love the blog change - where did you get it?? Doris
