
Monday, April 10, 2023

Smile... Even When It's Raining

Rainy Weather theme this month at Crafting Happiness Challenges!

Today would have been my Mama's birthday, but she died 4 years ago.
I still think about her a lot. Sometimes I want to call her, but instead I ask God to please tell her I love her. 

My mama loved butterflies & angels. I thought this card would be the perfect expression of my feelings today. And of course I had to include a butterfly even with the rainboots and flowers.

Simple Stories In Full Bloom Collection Kit



Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!

:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
My online store Moose 42

Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges


  1. Your Mum, would have loved this Janis as anyone would. This is a gorgeous with lovely details.
    Faith x

  2. Very nice collage! Nice memory of your Mum! Thanks for hanging out on our front porch at 613 Avenue Create !
    Chana Malkah, Owner
    Redora Lee Designs , My Blog
    A Place to Start , Challenge Blog
    613 Avenue Create , Challenge Blog

  3. Beautiful creation. TFS over at 613 this month and hope to see you in future challenges Elaine DT xx
