
Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy Sweet 16 Blog Hop

Hi, everyone! Welcome to Emily's Sweet 16 Birthday Blog hop!

I know she is going to love seeing all the projects we made in her honor, and I think you are also going to be inspired by what we have to share with you on our blogs today. 

You should be arriving from Ellen's blog. If so, GREAT!  If not, you can start at the beginning at Beth's Blog and get all the details about her blog candy!

For my project I decided to package up some "Pamper Me" items.

What is a blog without candy? If you are a follower of The Crafty Scrap Yard just leave a comment here along with the other blogs in today's hop and you'll be entered to win two sets of Cardz TV stamp sets! "Make A Wish" and "Girl Talk" both sets that will help you celebrate a birthday celebration or a girl in your life!


Your next stop is Jennifer.

Remember some of the other designers are also giving away blog candy too, so don't forget to visit everyone, read carefully and become a follower of all blogs, and leave some comment love!

Beth use to pick a winner and announce the winner on Monday, May 25th. So grab your favorite beverage, and join us for lots of fun and inspiration! 

Here's the line-up for "Emily's Surprise 16th Birthday" Blog Hop! If you get lost while hopping come back here to check the list and find your way again!
  1. Beth ~
  2. Mary -
  3. Shawnee -
  4. Thia -
  5. Ellen-
  6. Janis-
  7. Jennifer R-
  8. Rachelle-
  9. Krystal -
  10. Cathy-
  11. Connie-
  12. Maria -
  13. Jessica D. -
  14. Georgia-
  15. Julie -
  16. Barbara -
  17. Jessica P -

Thanks so much for hopping with us today and wishing my daughter a Happy Birthday.  We hope you had lots of fun and I'll see you Wednesday the 23rd when I announce the Blog Candy winner!

Thanks for stopping by today.  See you tomorrow!!

Hey, before you go, don't forget to come link up the projects you are working on over at my linky party blog, PDE Linky Party, and see what our Design Team has been crafting lately. 


  1. Wonderful gift with a topper. My daughter likes nail polish.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. Happy 16th Birthday to Emily. She will love this Hop. I have enjoyed the projects so far but I really like this topper with the nail polish. All girls love nail polish. I am a new follower. Thanks

  3. How fun to give Emily the lovely nail polishes! I love that topper idea.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too!

    Ellen "CardMonkey"

  4. Happy Birthday to Emily - love gift package just for here - tfs and have a blessed day Janis!

  5. Fun party favors! Every girl loves nail polish!

  6. Fun party favors! Every girl loves nail polish!

  7. Oh wow! What 16 year old wouldn't love this party favor! In fact, "girls" of any age would love it!

  8. Perfect for a 16 yo or even for my fancy Nancy 6 yo ;-)
    I love it and might scrap lift your idea soon. TFS

  9. Such a wonderful idea! Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. What a great B-day gift for a girl!! Cute packaging too!! Happy to hop with you!! Scrappy hugs, Connie

  11. This is perfect for a 16 year old! Well done!

  12. Janis this is the perfect girly gift for our birthday girl! How precious!

  13. I absolutely love your gift idea!

  14. Love the way you presented the package.
    This would be a good idea for party favors.
    thanks for sharing.
    Happy birthday Emily

  15. Very cute and very doable! Thank u!

  16. This was a perfect gift/project and so cute! Emily was able to wear them for her performance at church. =)
    Thank you Janis, for participating in this hop and celebrating Emily's 16th Birthday!
    ~Beth & Emily

  17. I love this cute project. The nail polish colors are perfect for Emily. What a fun idea!! Great job!!
