
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Weight Watchers Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! How are you doing with your weight loss?  I'm hoping with warmer weather soon to be here (any time now would be nice) that I will be more active and help myself lose some weight a little faster than these last two weeks.

This past week I have fought urges to just sit and watch episode after episode of something on Netflix and binge on junk food. I DIDN'T DO THAT, but man, I sure wanted to. Please tell me that is passing phase.

To get to the point with my weight loss this past week...

203.4 Start
191.2 Monday
- 0.8 this week
- 12.2 total so far

My goal for my next weigh-in day.... I want to see those 180's!

Short and sweet today. Enjoy your week. Keep focused on your goals. See you next Wednesday.

:) Janis