
Saturday, November 17, 2012

CTMH Artiste Blog Hop!!

Thank you so much for joining us today for the CTMH Artiste Blog Hop! There are only 7 of us in this hop, so I hope you'll be able to stop at all our blogs to see the projects we've made to inspire you!!  Here is the blog line up:

  1. Amanda @ Crafts By Amanda
  2. Amy @ Love To Crop
  3. Elaine @ Expressions By Elaine (should have arrived from here)
  4. Janis @ Pause Dream Enjoy (you are here)
  5. Lucy @ Love 2 Create (go here next)
  6. Shawnee @ Blessed On The Bright Side
  7. Stacey @ Stacey's Creative Corner
For my project, I wanted to show you this...

To / From Tags (Christmas Mittens)
Peppermint Candy Tree Box

I knew I wanted to make a bunch of these adorable Christmas mittens from the ARTISTE cart, but thought I'd use them as Christmas Tree ornaments.

THEN I saw this GREAT idea over @ SIMPLY ELEGANT PAPER CRAFTS where she made a handful of TO / FROM tags. What a great idea!

My only downfall was.... I cut the mittens first and they were too big to fit in my tree box after cutting the box the largest size that would fit on my Cricut mat. Oh well.  Instead I'll be putting peppermint candies in the tree box and using it as a decoration on our coffee table.


CARDZ TV STAMPS "Christmas Joy"
(Shop HERE)


  • CTMH ARTISTE (Shop CTMH Lucy) Christmas Tree Box p. 79 cut @ 9.403"
  • I hand traced the Christmas Tree and then cut it out again with scissors for the top
  • CANDI "Covent Garden" used for Tree Ornaments / Lights (Shop CANDI HERE)

Thanks for stopping by today!!
Who wants to win some Blog Candy?

This stamp set is by MARK'S FINEST PAPERS & STAMPS. It's called "Poinsettia Blooms." I think it's gorgeous! To win this stamp set:
1. Leave me a comment on this post
2. Be an old or new FOLLOWER of my blog
3. Have a USA mailing address
That's it! I'll post the winner here on my blog on Monday, Nov 19th!!
:) Janis


  1. Very cute project my friend. I love the mittens! Those clothes pins are perfect! Let's see. I am a very old follower...I have a USA address...and I just love poinsettias! I also love this cartridge! The tree on top is the box looks great!

  2. Janis,
    Your box and mittens are so cute, love how you used the second paper for the tree!

    DT sister

  3. i am having such an awesome time seeing what can be made with the Artiste cart, which i just got. Thanks for sharing...follower? old, US address, check and i love the stamps!

  4. Super great projects !! I especially love all those adorable little mittens . This blog hop is for sure inspiring me to use my artiste cartridge!! TFS . I am already a follower of your blog :)

  5. Geat project. Love those little mittens. I really need to start using my Artiste cartridge. I am a follower of your blog

    mimicaro9650 at yahoo dot com

  6. I LOVE my Artiste cartridge!!! Thanks for the inspiration.


  7. Love the mittens :) I just may have to make tags this year. I am a new follower.


  8. Fabulous box and tags! I love how you did the tree on the box and those mittens are too cute!!! Awesome project my friend! I'm so happy to be on the hop with you :)


  9. Hi Janis - I hope your day is going well for you! I am enjoying the hop! Your mittens are wonderful! I love mittens and snowmen! I like your tree box too! This is a wonderful hop today - I do not have that cartridge - I have many many cartridges however -you did a great job on your projects. I would love to win that stamp set too! Thanks for being part of the hop! Enjoy your day!
    PS - I will have to go back to visit Amy this afternoon - I could not find her information for this hop - could be there and I just did not see it -I would like to view what she made too!

  10. Very cute projects! I am a follower of your blog and really enjoy receiving your newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome stamp set also.

  11. Janis,
    Thank you for this wonderful hop!! I love these adorable mitten tags and tree box. You did a great job on them. I hope we do another hop like this again soon!!


  12. That tree box is adorable and I love the tags!!


  13. Such adorable projects! I really love the mitten tags.

  14. the mittens as tags/ornaments is such a cute idea. Thank you for being on this hop today. It was so much fun.I also love the box.

  15. Your tree box is Cute!!The mitten are adorable..I think that they might just fit me..LOL.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  16. This is so pretty Janis....such a nice box. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving my friend!

  17. Your tags and box are so adorable!
