
Sunday, January 28, 2024

January Books Read (so far)

    First of all, when I say, "January Books READ," that includes physical books, audiobooks, and E-books. No, that's not cheating. Some think it is cheating to include audio and ebooks, but I make the rules for my reading, and I say it's perfectly acceptable. :) There ya go.

    I love reading. I can wolf down an audiobook in just a couple of days. Why? Because I'm listening while I'm multi-tasking like while I'm doing the dishes, folding clothes, driving, etc. E-books are great for reading in bed on my phone without having to have a light on. And holding a real book.... that's nice too sometimes. They are all good. They all get the job done.

    If you are interested in checking out Book of the Month, here is my referral link. I will receive a credit for anyone who wants to enjoy reading with Book of the Month. But it doesn't mean that you have to! Find books online through your library, Libby, Hoopla, GoodReads, whatever you like. I'd love to hear from you about what you are reading. I might want to read it too.

Book 1: Fortune Teller (Miss Fortune Mystery Series #25) by Jana Deleon

    If you have not read any of these books, oh my gosh what are you waiting for? I love these books!! Please start with Book 1, Louisiana Longshot. The books all have their own story, but you get to know the characters so well when you read them in order. I can't tell you how hard I laugh reading these. I hope she just keeps coming out with another and another one and another....

Book 2: A Flicker in the Dark by Stacy Willingham

    If you like a who-dun-it with lots of people to choose from, this is for you. This book had those moments I wanted to pretend didn't exist, and it's not my normal kind of book to read, but I made it through and it was interesting. I would probably read another book by this author. Maybe. If children and dogs aren't harmed. Just not my normal cup of tea as they say.


Book 3: First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston

    Okay! Now I'm back to a good old fashion hurry up and turn the page to see what happens next book. This book was incredible. You HAVE to read it. I kept thinking, "Okay, I know who did it." But I didn't. I kept changing my mind over and over again.... Loved it. Go read it now. Go. Do it. Why are you still here reading this? Don't you have a book to go get? 

Book 4: The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth

    What I liked about this book was the different characters' point of view. I loved how it switched back and forth even including a point of view from a dead character. This certainly kept the reading interesting. I liked it. 

Book 5: The Fury by Alex Michaelides

 This book was fantastic. I loved how the author started off making me think, wait, is this part of the book or him telling me something before I begin the book? It was great. The type of writing, the little things left out that later you had to go back and have filled in for it to make more sense, the way you kept thinking which way it was going to only be surprised by nope - you're wrong again. So good. So good. Read it now. Go get it. Now. Hurry up. You need this book in your life on your JUST FINISHED list. LOL

    So that's where I am right now. Looking for my next read. I have a physical book I got from Book of the Month titled Mercury, that I'll start today. It will take me longer to read because it's a physical book which means I can't read it in the car. I can't read it at work obsvioulsy. I can read it on my lunch break, but probably not when I go to bed at night since I'd like a lamp on and that's no bueno with hubby trying to sleep before his 3:30 am alarm goes off. So we'll see how that goes. I may have to slip in an audiobook or e-book to read during the night without a light on. 

Starting as soon as I get off this computer:

Book 6: Mercury by Amy Jo Burns

    I'll let you know how it was when I finish!

    Enjoy the rest of your day! Don't forget to check out Book of the Month with my referral link. And even you if don't, let me know what you're reading! It may be my next read too!!


Sunday Chit Chat Time!

Hi, friends!
I thought I'd pop on here to chat with y'all today.

First of all, I'm still enjoying my job teaching 1 1/2 year olds at a private pre-school. It's amazing how smart 1 1/2 year olds are. Truly amazing.  

Second, I went to church this morning somewhere different. 

The church my family started in the 1800s voted last week about splitting the church because there was a new direction the denomination in general (not just our one church  but all of the churches in this demonization) wanted to go in. 

All of my family (siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc,  childhood friends, and so many of the people I grew up knowing in church), voted against the changes. Sadly, the vote was just 10 shy of NOT incorporating the changes the church demonization as a whole wanted to go to. Meaning, the church is changing some of their views and this is not a good thing. In my opinion.

I know this sounds confusing, but it's all about politics. The church was changing their beliefs based on current society / culture. Even saying that God changes with the times.

Ummmm, no He doesn't. 
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

 ANYWAY... in just 1 week they went from disappointment in that outcome to starting a brand new church and having service this morning with others who did not agree with the changes. I won't get into all of the politics of it, but I'm so proud of those who decided that staying was against their beliefs and had the courage to leave. We had 250 people today for our first service away from our family church. WOW! 

I pray God will guide, lead, and bless everyone involved in this change. And they we never take our eyes off of Jesus. It's about Jesus. It's about what God created us to do, and who He has called us to be. To not bend to this world, but be set apart from it like a light on a hill lighting the way.

I didn't mean this to be so long. I'll post more tomorrow about the books I've read so far in January.

What are you reading? I'd love to hear what you like to read. I may want to read it too.

Have a blessed day!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

Saturday, January 27, 2024

159 Vintage

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last week. 
Our Top Picks are posted on the

Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help with the Top Picks!

Ch# 159

Every type of crafting welcome.
Thanks for sharing your creations with us.

Have a blessed day!


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Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

Saturday, January 20, 2024

158 A is for All Kinds of Weather

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last week.
Our Top Picks are posted on the

Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help with the Top Picks!

Ch# 158
A is for All Kinds of Weather


Every type of crafting welcome.
Thanks for sharing your creations with us.

Have a blessed day!


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Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

Saturday, January 13, 2024

157 Celebrations of Any Kind

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last week.
Our Top Picks are posted on the

Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help with the Top Picks!

Ch# 157
Celebrations of any kind

Every type of crafting welcome.
Thanks for sharing your creations with us.

Have a blessed day!


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Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

Saturday, January 6, 2024

New Year - New Books to Read!!

Book of the Month

Y'all know I LOVE to Read! 
And by read I mean holding a book or audiobooks. I love them both.
Nothing smells as good as fresh baked bread,
unless it's a bookstore. 

There's just something about holding a book and feeling the pages as you turn them. Plus I love making notes and highlighting things in books. It's just fun for me.

Each year I set a reading goal on
I don't always make it to that goal, but sometimes I even pass it.

This year I decided to join 
Why? I'll tell you.

I love to read. 
But I don't love going to the bookstore not knowing what book I want to buy. I spend so much time roaming.  That's where The Book of the Month comes in. There are a variety of books to choose from, and usually I want more than 1 of them. I get a good book(s) shipped to me (ALWAYS free shipping), and can enjoy what I know will be a good book. 

The link to The Book of the Month is a referral link, and I will gain 1 credit for each friend who joins. So go check it out. Different monthly options for you including how many books you want to pick out, if you want to skip that month, or include some add-ons with your order. You can cancel anytime. WHICH I LOVE. It makes the whole experience fun and not pressured. There is no wondering what book they will send and if you'll like it, because you get to choose a book from that month's list. 

This is going to be fun!!

Let me know if you have any questions or if you join me in The Book of the Month.
It would be great to have some women to discuss what we read each month .

My January Pick:

God Bless You!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

156 Share Your Favorite Project You Created in 2023

Hi! Thank you so much to those who linked up last week! 
Our Top Picks are:
**coming soon** 
Grab your TOP PICKS button from the sidebar!

Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help with the Top Picks!

Ch# 156
Share Your Favorite Project
You Created in 2023

This is my favorite project I created in 2023.
You can find the post from August here.

Every type of crafting welcome!

Thanks for sharing your creations with us.
Remember, EVERY type of crafting is welcome !!

Have a blessed day!


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This linky list is now closed.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

Monday, January 1, 2024

Welcome to the Neighborhood

Simple Stories Card Kit - Happy Greetings

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges