
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Baby Congrats Card

Good friends of ours had their first grandchild last week, so I made them a card today. These box cards are very easy to make, and I love the 3D projects!!  It does fold flat for mailing.

Lori Whitlock card file
Pink & Main, All Occasion Florals 6x6 pad

Hi, everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted hardly any crafts these past couple of months. We have been so busy adding on to the house and renovations, updating flooring, adding a deck, and closing in the fish camp building that I've hardly had time to think. I also packed and put in storage a LOT of stuff to clear out the house some in preparation for moving day on April 4th.  Sadly, we lost our buyer. Her husband had a stroke and is out of work per Dept of Transporation for 12 months before being released to return to his job. (He's a truck driver.) We are very glad though that he is doing well..... so..... After we complete these renovations (hopefully in the next couple of weeks), we will re-list our house again and start the process all over. I'm praying God will provide just the right person and that it will go quickly and smoothly. 

I snuck off to the storage unit to grab basic crafting supplies so I could try to squeeze in some time to craft between renovation and showings. I don't want too much here cluttering up everything.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog,
following, & commenting!!
:) Janis, Pause Dream Enjoy

Owner & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges
Design Team, Let's Craft & Create


  1. Janis, your baby card is adorable! I'm sure the recipients will love it. I'm sorry you lost the buyer - hopefully a new one soon appear.

  2. I LOVE your adorable card, lovely details in it. I'm sorry to hear hubby hasn't been well and to add to it, your sale falling through, I know how you feel my niece had the same thing happen last week. So awful for everyone concerned. Get well and healing thoughts for hubby and good wishes for the rest of the renovations and the sale. Good to see you here, I was only thinking of you earlier this week.
    Keep safe and well.
    Faith x

    1. Just to be clear, it was the buyer's husband who had the stroke. The renovations are going well! I'll post pics tomorrow. Hugs!! (Glad to hear you were thinking of me. I was worried everyone would forget about me since I've been absent so long.)

  3. Hi Janis this is a gorgeous card. You are very busy. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  4. Darling card. I love the box pop up and what awesome images. Sorry about the sale not going but God works in mysterious ways and it just wasn't meant to be. So glad he is doing good.. The right family/person will come along and it will be perfect timing for you all. The remodel looks awesome. Love seeing the fb postings. very talented carpenter.. Hugs and love.

  5. What a wonderful card. I hope that you are able to get all of the construction done and be able to sell your home... all of that does take so much work and time!

    Thank you for joining us at Craftyhazelnut's Patterned March paper challenge!
    Anna, Design Team
