
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Reindeer Goodie Bags

Hi, y'all!

Today I have some fun (and pretty simple) treat bags to share with you. I made these for one of the elementary classes my daughter teachers art to. I also made one for each of the Related Arts teachers. 

Related Arts includes: 
Art, Guidance, Music, Library, PE, and Technology

You may not even think it's a thing, but the Related Arts teachers are often left out of thank you notes and gifts from the children. They are even given LESS school supplies.... and some supplies NONE at all at the beginning of each year. Which makes no sense to me. They see the entire school of children, instead of just one class. But don't get me started on that. LOL

I had a ton of fun making these.

It's a general rule not to send food type goodies for the kids. There are kids with allergies or other health issues, and it's just better to avoid that type of treat.

So instead, I sent a little rubber ducky. Each bag got one in various colors. 

(I keep a supply of rubber ducks in solid colors or costumes for ducking Jeeps. If you are a Jeep owner like I am you know what I'm talking about. If you aren't, I'll give you the short version. It's called DUCK DUCK JEEP. When you park by a Jeep or see one while out walking about, you put a little duck on the sidestep or windshield with a tag pointing to various local and national DUCK DUCK JEEP groups. And normally there is a short message like, "NICE JEEP!") People tend to keep them on the dash of their Jeep, so next time you see a Jeep, take notice if there are any rubber ducks on the dash. 

(These are not my images - they were googled)

Anyway... I digress...

I also made everyone a Christmas Tree magnet. You know how much I love frig magnets!

And for the Related Arts teachers, I added Debbie Cakes, Chocolate, & Candy Canes.  

(I may have sent the Art Teacher way more chocolate and Debbie Cakes than the others.... I mean, she is my daughter and all. LOL) 

I ended up making 26 treat bags!
It was so much fun.
I won't lie, it did take a while to cut everything out and glue together, but it wasn't hard, and I enjoyed doing it.

I hope all of you have a very fun, blessed day.
Remember, if you have kids in school, try to remember the Related Arts teachers when sending gifts for your children's teachers. It would mean so much to them to be remembered.

Merry Christmas!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog,
following, & commenting!!
:) Janis, Pause Dream Enjoy

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