
Thursday, March 21, 2013

First 2 Cameo Cuts

Yesterday, I was surprised by a UPS delivery from one of my Besties, Theresa (The Scrapbooking Queen), who gifted me with a Silhouette Cameo. Can you believe it? I spent a lot of time last night and this morning watching YouTube videos especially for the Print and Cut feature.

So.... I loaded 2 jpeg images into my Cameo... followed all the instructions on the YouTube videos, and sent it to my printer which printed it out in black and white instead of in color. Hmmm.... that's weird. I contacted customer support for my printer and discovered there's an issue with my printhead and they are sending me a brand new printhead and 4 new inks (black and the 3 colors) which will be here around Saturday.

In the meantime, I decided I had to cut something with my new toy, so I put the uncolored little darlings in my Cameo and wow at the cut job!

No project to show you yet, but did want to share. I'm on a learning spree here. :) 

I want to thank all of you who left me such sweet messages on Facebook and commented on my blog post yesterday. I had no idea I had touched so many of your lives. It really made my heart swell to hear you say all the nice things you said. Thank you.

See you tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by!