I may have told you that a friend of mine had her son mail us his Flat Stanely.
He is in the 4th grade, and his entire class was to mail someone the Flat Stanely they made in class. Whoever received Flat Stanley in the mail was to journal all the adventures he had while on his visit with them.
I have finally gotten the photos back from Shutterfly and finished with our Flat Stanley's scrapbook journaling his adventures while here.
The pictures aren't that good - sorry. The flash is showing up on the photos like a white starburst. Oh well. I think you get the idea behind each page.
Along with the scrapbook, I will be mailing a magnet with the hockey team ACES playing schedule; some info on Winter Snow Safety; a rock from the Talkeetna River; a poster of a snow machine; and lots of other little goodies.
I hope Dakota (the 4th grader who sent me his Flat Stanley) and his class enjoy getting Flat Stanley back and all the goodies he is bringing back with him!
I also have NO IDEA why some of the pictures are loading here sideways. So frustrating.

Book Cover

Pocket for Stanley says: "Flat Stanley Presents"

"Thank you for sharing Flat Stanley with us in Anchorage, Alaska! He said he was ready to go back to Lexington, South Carolina where it is a little warmer. Plus he said he really misses Dakota!

Flat Stanley arrived at our house in Anchorage, Alaska on Friday, October 16, 2009. He was so huntry that he jumped into the box of Rice Krispies Cereal!

Since Flat Stanley had been in an envelope for several days, he really wanted to go outside and get some fresh air. So we put on our coats and headed out. We let Flat Stanley push the elevator button (he liked that). He said the elevator made his tummy go "whoosh."

At first walking on the wooden bridge made Flat Stanley afraid. He was worried there may be TROLLS under the bridge. We let him look down between the boards to see for himself that there are no bridge trolls in Alaska. (It's too cold for trolls here.)

Flat Stanley liked watching the river flow under the bridge. He also liked climbing on the side of the bridge.

Flat Stanley had never seen trees before like we have here in Alaska. He asked if he could climb one. He thought that was really FUN!

Flat Stanley had fun feeding bread to the ducks. He even jumped in the lake to swim with them. He said the water was very, very cold.

Flat Stanley had so much fun at the hockey game! He ate French fries and drank coke. His favorite part was the Zamboni! Oh, and that our team WON!

Flat Stanley had a ton of fun at the Winter Sports Expo. He even got to sit on a snow machine!

Flat Stanley went on lots of hikes while he was here and visited lots of parks. One park he liked a lot was "Earthquake Park."

Flat Stanley made friends with lots of animals in Alaska. One friend he made was in downtown Anchorage. His name was "Carhartt the Moose."

Here is Flat Stanley by the Talkeetna River. The rocks here were so special that he brought one home with him to share with Dakota.