
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Be Joyful Card

Hi, everyone!
Guess what? We got our new Dining Room addition completed yesterday
and the new furniture delivered. Yay!
Here are some pics in case you want to see:


We are just waiting on our daughter (who's an artist)
to paint us some art canvases.
My husband, with the occasional help of a couple of his friends, built this room.
Tom, my husband, designed it, and put so much detail into every aspect of it.
It's beautiful.
I stand in the doorway to this room, and can't believe it's our's.

Okay, on to a crafty project for today...

I am still playing with the Nov 2014 Simon Says Stamp
Card Kit. LOVE this kit. So happy I subscribed and can't wait to get Dec's kit in!
The kit came with an inspiration sheet with projects using the products in the kit.
GREAT idea! Thanks, Simon!
Today I'm showing you a card I created using
Stephanie Klauck's design on the Inspiration Sheet.

Simon Says Stamp Nov Kit:
Snow background
Tree Stamps
Gold Glitter Bow

Other supplies:
Gelly Roll - Clear Star pen for snow sparkle and faux stitching under trees
Foam squares for dimension on card mat and middle tree
Tim Holtz distress ink - Broken China, Peeled Paint
Kraft, white, and red cardstock from stash

Thank you for stopping by today. Be sure to scroll down for my other post from today - a Jam Jar gift with mini card for my Design Team posting day at Miss Kate Cuttable's blog.

:) Janis

P.S.  For those of you who follow my blog and know one of our puppies, Ginger, hurt her leg - here's an update.... Ginger went to the vet on Friday and it looks like she's injured her elbow. The vet gave her some anti inflammatory meds to give her for 10-14 days. He said to make sure she doesn't run and jump around a lot because the meds will make her think she's healed, but she's really not. He said this is the type of injury that if she keeps re-injurying it, it can lead to arthritis and other issues 6 mos or so down the road. She's not even 1 year old yet. She and her sister, Mary Ann, will be one tomorrow! Ginger is our "wild" child. She jumps and runs everywhere, so it's going to be a challenge keeping her in a more mellow mood for 10-14 days. 

I'm so glad she's on the road to recovery, though. Thank you to everyone who sent me comments and messages about sending her healing thoughts and prayers. That touched my heart, and I appreciate it!
I was so worried about her. She weighs 63 pounds, and for a couple of days, she wouldn't walk on her leg. I had to pick her up and carry her outside to do her business. And that one day she didn't eat or drink anything. She's much better now. Limping around, but eating and drinking as normal. Love my fur babies!!



  1. All is good, Janis. Love (infinity) the upgrades to your home. I'm ready to move in. Adore (infinity) the card. Lastly, I'm so glad to hear your sweet dog will be ok. <3Kim

  2. Ooooh your dining room looks divine and all set up ready for Christmas.
    Love your card with a trio of trees too - great colours
    Thanks so much for sharing and taking part.
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  3. I love the little sitting area in the corner of your new dining room and such a pretty card!

  4. Super colourful trees! Hope Ginger puts her paws up and gets better soon!
    Thank you for joining us at Less is More
    LIM Designer

  5. Such and elegant looking Christmas card Janis.

    Thanks so much for sharing your lovely work with us at Stamping Sensations this month.

    B x

  6. Just love your new room, great to see the in progress pics too!
    Your tree card is such fun...I wonder if you new room will be graced with a Christmas tree!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  7. Love the blue tree and the clean font of your sentiment! Congrats on your new dining room - it looks fantastic! So glad you joined us at Festive Friday!

  8. Lovely card, Janis! Thanks for joining us at Christmas Card Challenges.

  9. What a fabulous design - I love the colourful Christmas trees and the snow. You left a message asking whether it is just one linkup at Festive 48 on Although the linkup doesn't prevent more than one entry, I ask that you link just one card a week. This is because it's just me doing it and I like to be able to comment on all the cards entered - so it's a coping thing! Thanks for asking and thanks for joining in.

  10. Love the pics of the remodel. The card is awesome too.

  11. Glad to hear Ginger is on the road to recovery. Hope she gets better soon, and your dining room looks fab. Wonderful Christmas card. Thanks for joining in with us at Stamping Sensations this month. Maddy x
