
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bring on the Cake

Next Monday is our son, Jimmy's, 26th birthday!
Bring on the CAKE!


We are so proud of Jimmy! He joined the Army the summer before his Senior year in high school and spent the entire summer at basic training. Came back for his Senior Year and left the day he graduated to to go AIT.


He loves motorcycles - always has. He started riding his first bicycle when he was just 2 years old, and his first motorcycle between 5 and 7 years old.


He has a fun, loving spirit! 


This is my favorite picture of him. He's sitting in our front yard on his motorcycle - hasn't put on his helmet yet.

He's my hero!
Here's the birthday card I made for him:

Silhouette Online Store for Superhero ID# 1783

Super Hero Badge ID# 1786

Stampin' Up 
   Cloud embossing folder 
   "Bring on the Cake" stamp set (shop with me)

My Creative Time
   Stitched Grass Die
   Stitched Party Dies (balloons)

Fiskars Cloud punch 
Swiss Dots embossing folder for punched clouds
Foam tape (Royal Castle Shoppe)

Pile It On - for a guy
Silhouette Chs - make a scene

Thanks for stopping by today. :) Janis


  1. thank you Jimmy for all you have done, and have a great birthday!!!

  2. Cute card!! Im sure he will love it! You have been one busy little card makin bee!! :) Thanks for sharing the pics of your handsome hero!!

  3. So darn cute, what a handsome looking guy!!!

  4. cute card and happy birthday to your son. hugs

  5. How cute is that card! Super cute! Jimmy is my hero too! I am so grateful to him for choosing to sacrifice his life in the military to ensure our freedom. Please tell him I said, Happy Birthday and thank you so much for your service to our country!

  6. Awww, this is a super cute card Janis! I love the pics of your Jimmy and have military pics of my Hero as well. Please tell Jimmy how grateful we are to his service to our country as well as Happy Birthday wishes! I love all our soldiers and know first hand the sacrifices they give to keep us free. Big hugs to Jimmy and to you for bring up such a fine young man! Hugs

  7. Oh WOW Janice what a precious card and very beautiful, loving and heart warming stories and pics that you shared. Thank you to your son for defending our country and my/our freedom and bless his family for all of our support. thanks Janice for sharing. God bless you and yours.

  8. Your love and pride came through the beautiful words you used to share your son with us! Your card is awesome and it too shows your love and pride for this young man! Happy Birthday to him and may God protect him always.
    Lena’s Creations

  9. Love, Love, Love this card!! Number one though, thank your son for what he does for me and this country everyday and wish him a very happy birthday on behalf of a grateful citizen. :) Two, this card is amazing and totally something I would make! The bold colors with the black outline is such a great combo. Thank you so much for joining us at Pile It On. -Alycia

  10. What a wonderful tribute to your son Janis... I LOVE the card... it's so fitting! I believe your son is a "HERO" to ALL of us! Tell him I said "THANKS" for all he does for us! :O) Thanks so much for joining us over at Silhouette Challenge! :o)

    Theresa (Silhouette Challenge DT)

  11. Happy Birthday to your son and what a hero he is to all of us! Thank him for his service to our country~we are forever grateful to all the soldiers.
    Your card is awesome and what a great design! Thanks for sharing all the pics! Hope he has a wonderful day celebrating!

    Sherrie K
