
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

SIMPLY PAM'S Birthday Week - Matchbook Mini Album

Good Tuesday morning to you!
It's Pam's Birthday week, and she is having a give-away and Guest Designers on her blog all week!
Simply Pams Blogspot Site
You do NOT want to miss this!!  Every day is a NEW GIVE-AWAY!

Her give-away for today is:
Prima 6" x 6" Reflections collection paper stack
Prima 6" x 6" Moulin Rouge collection paper stack
Petaloo Blue & Green paper flowers

Be sure and pop over to her site by CLICKING HERE & leave a comment on her post today in order to be entered into her give-away.

I am extremely honored to be her Guest Designer today!
For my birthday project, I decided to make a
This is my first attempt at making one of these, and it was a lot easier than I anticipated as well as so much FUN!

If you'd like to
just leave me a comment on this post answering ONE of the following questions about your birthday either last year or your birthday this year:

  3 People who made your birthday special
3 Things you Wish for your birthday
3 Things you did for your birthday
3 Goals to accomplish before your next birthday

So.... you could win a prize from both our sites this week!  How cool is that?!
I will post the winner of my BIRTHDAY MATCHBOOK MINI ALBUM on Monday!

Get ready for lots of pictures!  If you have any questions on the instructions, please do not hesitate to leave them in a comment. If you will provide your email, I will respond as quickly as possible to you. :)

This is the outside of the matchbook mini closed.  You want to be sure not to add a lot of puffy embellishments so that it will end up closing with no problem.

Above you can see it snuggly closed.  Below you can see how much it expands when not tucked under the matchbox cover and closed.


Below is the inside cover and first 1/2 page.

All Tags cut from TAGS, BAGS, BOXES & MORE page 89.
Tag for inside front cover cut @ 4" with Shadow Feature.
All other tags cut @ 3 3/4" with Shadow Feature.

 And all of the tags look like this one with the numbers "1, 2, & 3" handwritten on them. 

This is how LONG it is when all the pages are unfolded.  WOW!

Hippo on front from BIRTHDAY BASH page 32 cut @ 4".

Candle from BIRTHDAY BASH page 52 cut @ 3".

Mushroom from LIVE SIMPLY cut @ 3".
(found on keypad overlay Row 4, Column 9)

Snail from LIVE SIMPLY cut @ 2".
(found on keypad overlay Row 2, Column 10)

Directions for making a 
  • Cut cover using Double-Sided Pattern cardstock @ 12" x 4 1/4"
  • Score cover @ 1", 6 1/2", and 7". Fold all score lines into matchbook shape.
  • Cut inside pages using pattern or solid colored cardstock @ 12" x 4" (3 times)
  • Score one page @ 5 1/2" and 9 3/4".  Cut smallest section off of end. Insert the largest section into the matchbook & center it under the small flap, adhering to matchbook.
  • Punch 2 holes on front of flap about 1" from each side and secure with brads.  
  • Score remaining two pages @ 4 1/4" and 8 1/2".
  • Lay matchbook horizontally and adhere remaining two strips overlapping small scored sections and using mountain and valley folds.
Don't forget, in order to be entered to win Pam's prize, you must pop over to her blog and leave a comment on today's post!
Thanks for visiting me today.
Don't forget to win my MATCHBOOK MINI ALBUM, answer one of the questions listed above in a comment HERE on THIS post. Winner will be posted on Monday! Good luck!
:) Janis


  1. Oh wow such a wonderful mini... Wonderful idea....
    Well I have four people who made my birthday special....
    My daughter LaiLynn, son Johnny, stepson Allan and the most wonderful man in the world my fiance Greg.....

    Thank you for the chance to win some fabulous candy.

  2. Oh WOW!!! This is just fantastic! I'm gonna have to try this one of these days when I get the time! Man, if I could just quit working, I'd have plenty of time to create!LOL Now to answer one of the questions. People who made my birthday special: Hubby, Daughter and Mom/Dad. :)

  3. Janis!!
    This is awesome! What a great gift to give and get on your birthday!!
    Beautiful job!!
    I love birthdays....mine is coming up in Novemeber(alittle while away) and there is nothing I like more than spending the time with my 3 boys...husband and two little men! I do have a long list of wants this many stamps and little money :)
    TFS and again beautiful project!!

  4. Since tomorrow is my 50th birthday I am gonna answer 3 goals to accomplish before my next birthday as I have given it some thought:

    1. Lose another 10 pounds and keep all 25 off!!
    2. Be in the best shape I can be - work out at least 3 or 4 times a week.
    3. To be closer to my Heavenly Father - keep my spiritual journal up, attend church more often (even if this means asking for all Sundays off), and joining one of the small groups from church.

    Okay, deep aren't they. Well, you asked for it! This album is amazing and may be something I am gonna copy if I am not the winner. What a great way to remember my birthday this year. Can't believe I will be half a century :)

    Hugs, Heather

  5. Hi Janis,

    Wow I love your matchbook album. I hope a get a chance to make one soon. TFS and for the chance to win it!!. The three things I did on my last b-day this past January was:
    1. shopping
    2. Dinner with my hubby
    3. I shared My b-day party with my daughter since her b-day is the day after mine lol

    mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com

  6. Very cute project. Hope I win. My birthday is in Oct. 3 people that made it special are my hubby, my daughter and my son.

    tmyers109 at gmail dot com

  7. Cute! Cute! Cute! I have never seen a Matchbook Mini Album. I just Love It!!! I would Love to try to make one. Three Special People that I shared my Birthday with last year was my two little Grand Children.Their little eyes just light up with excitement giving me their handmade gifts and giving me lots of Birthday Hugs and Kisses. The Third person would be my Husband. He had a (REALLY) bad heart attack a few years ago. Just Thankful for every moment that I get to spend with him.
    Thank you for the chance to win your Cute Matchbook Album. :0)
    cindy marshall 63 at hotmail dot com

  8. Hi Janis.
    I have never seen a Matchbook Mini Album. This is such a great idea b/c I believe that your should recognize your bday and your life. It would make a great pre-bday gift so that the receiver could ponder the ideas. And the hippo is a must. I do believe that hippos know how to enjoy life!
    3 people who made my bday good this past May were my mom, my 12 yr daughter and my dearest friend Kim. They are thE ones who know how important it is to me and go out of their way to make me know I am special! Thanks Janis.

  9. This little book is so stinkin' cute. I love all of the cuts. Especially the hippo on the front.

    3 things that made my birthday special...
    1. Went to Joann's and picked up a Gypsy along with a few other goodies.
    2. Ordered two Miche bags. they are so awesome.
    3. Wonderful dinner with my three favorite people.

  10. Love your matchbook mini. There are so many people who make my birthdays special. My husband, my three daughters and my two sons. There I just put them in three categories. Thanks for all of your great ideas.

    marloberrett at gmail dot com

  11. Golly gee. I just love this and want to make one...So, that is no. 1 on my wish list. wish list number 2, lose 25 pounds by my next birthday. wish/goal number three, get this darn craft room unpacked and everything put where I want it! Hugs...

  12. WOW!!! This is sooooo cute
    LOVE THIS!!!

    My husband, my brother and my daughter always makes my Birthday feel special!!


  13. I love your mini album, I gotta try this. My birthday was just over 3 weeks ago. 3 people who made it special. My mom, her birthday is the day before mine. My husband, he is wonderful all the time but on my birthday he is so so sweet. My son, he is all the way in S.Korea, but he called and wished me a happy birthday.

  14. love the match- book mini album.
    A birthday I will always remember was my 40th my foster parents attend Australia all the way from the UK and my children, friends and hubby were all here to help celebrate too with an Aussie roast on the BBQ.

  15. Love the album. Hope I win!! The three people who make my birthday special are my hubby, son and my mom. My mom always cooks dinner on the Sunday either before or after my birthday and has the whole family there to help me celebrate. Thanks for a chance to win this awesome album.

  16. Wow! This is great! I need to make one of these! 3 people that made my B-Day special, my Husband and two daughters! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Wow that is really cute! I never made one. 2 people that make my birthday special: my husband and my daughter.

  18. I love this mini album!
    Three people that made my last birthday special:
    My 9 yr old grandaughter Katie, she baked a cake for me. I usually bake cakes for everyone so this was very special.

    My daughter Damaris bought me all kinds of wall decorations in Pink and Black for my craft room. Those are the colors of my craft room.

    Also, very special was my husband who took me to dinner at Red Lobster, one of my most favorite places to eat. Just having my 3 children, husband and my 5 adorable grandkids together in my home to celebrate my special day would have been more than special the rest was icing on the cake.
    gr8 mom 52 @ Aol . com
