
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Why Are You So Worried?

Happy New Year everyone!  Hope you guys are enjoying the first few days of the year, and pray your days will just get better and better as the year progresses.

RECAP: Our family moved from Alaska to South Carolina last September. Tom got an apartment in Alaska to split his time between Alaska and home for his work contract. The project he's working on lasts for 2.5 more years, so the travel was going to be heavy.

UPDATE: The good news is, Tom decided to work at home remotely full time with only a week or two in a Alaska a year. Yay! He began his drive back home pulling a UHaul yesterday. It's almost a 5,000 mile drive through extreme winter weather and going through long stretches of no civilization or cell phone coverage.

He's been dealing with temperatures at -43 degrees F.  Oh my gosh! Thankfully it's getting warmer. Today he's traveling through areas of only -20's. LOL Brrrrrrr

Last night was a strange night at our house. I could not get sleepy after going to bed, so I read for a couple of hours. The dogs were restless and whined off and on. I finally let them outside in the middle of the night which is rare, but hoping they would calm down after that. They did a little, but were still restless the entire night. Bonnie got up in the 2am hour asking where daddy was. I told her it was still night time and to go back to bed. Yes, I was still awake and hadn't even started sleeping yet. Bonnie got up again in the 4am hour with the same questions about daddy.

All through the night of not being able to sleep, to dozing and having weird dreams, to tossing and turning not sleeping, I prayed for Tom. God, please keep him safe in the cold. Please don't let him have mechanical issues. Please don't let the snow and ice cause any driving problems. Please don't let him stop to sleep and get cold or the truck stop running. On and on I prayed over and over again for protection for Tom. God, please have Your angels surround him with protection and minister to his body that he gets enough sleep, is alert, has wisdom in his choices......

I felt God ask me, "Why are you so worried?"

I replied, "Because it's so much more dangerous to travel that route in the Winter."

I felt God respond to me, "Is there anything too difficult for Me?"

I stopped.
My brain stopped with the panic thoughts running through my head.
My anxiety relaxed.

No, there is nothing too difficult for God. The temperature, weather, terrain, and vehicles that can decide to stop working or get a flat tire... the roads covered with snow and ice.... the wildlife that tends to stand right in the middle of the road until the herd of Buffalo decide to mozy on.... none of these things are too difficult for God to protect Tom through.

I calmed down.
I fell asleep.

I woke up really, really tired and dragging myself around the house this morning to get the dogs fed, Bonnie cleaned up and dressed and fed, etc., and to get us ready to go to church. But my anxiety was gone.

Thank You, God, for reminding me just because something is hard or dangerous or scary for us, nothing is hard, dangerous or scary for You. Your power is greater than anything we face or go through. Thank You for speaking to me last night. Reminding me, You are God. Nothing is too difficult for You.

Let's pray and agree together:
Father, thank You for caring for us. Thank You for holding our hand when we are scared. Thank You for understanding our human emotions and gently reminding us in love that You care for us. Nothing is too hard for You. Please help those reading this post right now that are scared. Show them that nothing is too big or scary for You to handle. Help those with anxiety and worry about a loved one. Remind them that prayer is a powerful thing that sets the angels in action to fight for us. We love You, and are amazed at how much You love us.
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Scriptures from English Standard Version (ESV)

Jeremiah 32:17
Ah, Lord God! It is You Who have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for You.