
Sunday, May 25, 2014


Hi, Crafters!

Today we are having a celebration
Cook-Out for our 
Son-in-law, Aaron, 
who just returned from overseas.
We missed him terribly while he was gone.
So glad he is back!

I decided to make a little
cook-out utensil holder.

  • Silhouette Online Store ID# 58486
  • Paper from Hobby Lobby "Farm Fresh"
  • Ladybug Stickers from stash
  • Twine from stash
Thanks for stopping by today!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
:) Janis

Colour Me - color ch

Fusion - inspiration photo or sketch or both
(I used photo inspiration)

CAS-ual Fridays - 3 of something on 3 thirds of card 
(I used 3 stickers on strip)
I missed the deadline to link up, but here was their theme...

Totally Gorjuss - buttons or Bows (I used a bow)


  1. Thank you Aaron for your service to our wonderful country! Happy Memorial Day!
    p.s. love your sight

  2. Please Thank Aaron for his service. I know how difficult it is waiting for a loved one who is stationed away from home. So glad your family is back together again. I was so happy to see you made a cute cookout utensil holder based on the inspiration photo...with the long Memorial Day weekend coming up, this is a great idea!

  3. A BIG thanks to Aaron for his service to our country!! I know how it is, as I have a soldier too and when they are deployed it is so hard having them gone for soooo long! I love your idea for your tableware and I am doing the exact same thing for my son's graduation party except I am using the SU Envie punch board. lol Great minds and all. Have a wonderful cookout and enjoy having your DIL back home!!! Hugs, Brenda

  4. Forgot to say that I love, love your tableware holder!!! Hugs, Brenda

  5. This it too cute! Hey Aaron glad you made it home safely to spend time with your family. Thanks so much for doing all that you do in the service for you (others like yourself) and your families sacrifice so much.Enjoy being home.

  6. Very cute project, and thank the Lord that Aaron got home safely! Thanks for playing with the Colour Me...! challenge this week!

  7. Cute utensil holder. Thank you Aaron for your service and welcome home.

  8. Fab idea!
    Totally Gorguss!
    Thanks for joining us at Totally Gorjuss.
    Lisa DT

  9. Super cute cutlery holder Janis. So glad you joined in the fun @ FUSION!
    So good to have a loved one home safe & sound!

  10. So sorry you missed the deadline for the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge, but at least you made it for the Fusion Challenge! So very fun and creative!
