
Monday, August 12, 2013


First, a little about tonight's supper.

Then a card for a couple of challenges to show you.

The house smells so good right now. I have a roast in the oven and the peppers, onions, mushrooms... all smell so good. I sure hope it turns out okay. I'm trying a new recipe. This morning I Googled oven roast recipes. Normally I cook our roast in the crockpot, but Tom prefers oven roasted. I found a really easy recipe on YouTube and thought I'd try it. It feels really weird though turning off the oven, but leaving the roast in there. What if it doesn't get cooked all the way? Hopefully it will. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Here's the video I watched in case you want to give it a try.

Okay, on to another card I've made for a couple of challenges.

This card is made especially for Tuesday Morning Sketches (sketch) and Stampin' Royalty (use scraps). However, the ch for Tuesday Morning Sketches is already closed. It was fun using their sketch though even if I am too late to enter my card.


Stampin' Up Supplies:
Cardstock: Basic Black, Whisper White
Stamps: Too Kind, Paper Pumpkin
Inks: Real Red, Pear Pizzazz, Basic Black
Adhesives: SNAIL, Dimensionals
Non-SU: ribbon, pattern paper

Shop Stampin' Up with me... HERE

One more thing.... I'm so excited! Tom surprised me this morning by saying he's made us camping reservations at one of our favorite places to go - Yogi in the Smokies (Cherokee, NC). Bonnie (our special needs daughter) loves the evening hayrides that Yogi and BooBoo attend with us campers. We are going to have a blast! I plan on doing a lot of fishing, but told Tom he can clean them.... ewww... LOL Nothing like eating fish freshly caught. It's amazing how vibrant the flavors are compared to store bought. Don't get me wrong, we eat a lot of store bought fish. I'm just saying nothing compares to eating it freshly caught.

You guys have a great evening!

:) Janis

P.S.  I still have room on my August calendar for you to book your online Stampin' Up party with me. It's a great way for you to build up your supplies if you are planning on sending out invitations for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas cards.  Just shoot me an email at CraftyJanis at live dot com.