
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Good morning! I made a Get Well card for my friend, Stacey, last week. Poor dear took a tumble and hurt her knee. That's not fun.  When I was a teenager, I hurt my knee pretty badly snow skiing. Someone ran into me from behind, and we tumbled a bit. I remember getting knocked, and then I remember opening my eyes wondering if anything was broken and if I could move. I was able to get back up and ski the rest of the way down the mountain, but I was done after that. Nothing was broken for me, and no ligaments were torn, but my knee was stiff, swollen, and extremely painful for weeks. To this day it still bothers me going up and down stairs. So when I heard Stacey hurt her knee, I felt her pain, and got a card on the way to her right away.

  • A2 size POSTCARD 5 1/2" x 4 1/4"
  • Black mat cut @ 5 3/8" x 4 1/8"
  • Pink newspaper print cut @ 5 1/4" x 4"
  • News Die Cut from LOVE YOU A LATTE Lite cart cut @ 4 1/2"
  • Flowers and brad from stash
  • Dew Drops from TSQ's Royal Castle Shoppe
  • CARDZ TV STAMPS "Encouraging Thoughts" for sentiment stamp
  • Everything inked around the edges with Tim Holtz Fired Brick distress ink
Have a GREAT day! Thanks for stopping by. :) Janis




  1. Very nice card Janis - I do not like PAIN - I hurt my knee exercising - and I was laid up for 6 months! I had a tear! I am back to exercising again - and hoping I do not tear anything - have a great day!

  2. Janis, This so stinking adorable. I love how you personalized it with the white pen. I have this cartridge and haven't used it yet. I feel so inspired, thanks for sharing! :)


  3. Fabulous creation!

    Thank you for joining in the fun at Sparkles Monthly Challenges for our * Anything goes * challenge

    Hope you will join us again & good luck in the draw
    Hugs Shaz x

  4. Fab how you've personalised it! Thanks for joining us at Sparkles this time & good luck!
    hugs Jo x
