Hi! I hope all of you had a fun Thanksgiving.
Hubby smoked a turkey for us for the first time.
It was delicious!
I made some homemade gravy, dressing, and brown rice
to go along with that.
It was a quiet day here.
Three of our children and their families went
to their other half's side of the family,
so it was just Tom & I with our daughter, Bonnie.
At the end of the day, we watched, THE POLAR EXPRESS.
Bonnie laid her head on Tom's lap and her feet on mine.
Of course we were also covered in comfy blankets.
Is your Christmas Tree up yet?
We are getting ours up this weekend!!
Thank you so much to those who linked up last week!
The Top Picks are listed at
Be sure to LIKE any projects entered
to help me choose the Top Picks!
Ch# 150
3D Projects
(Christmas Stockings, Boxes, Bags, etc)
Every type of crafting welcome!
Thanks for sharing your creations with us.
Remember, EVERY type of crafting is welcome !!
Have a blessed day!

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