
Monday, May 8, 2023

Changes Are Coming

After decades of not working 
staying home to care for Bonnie,
I go back to work this month.

I would love you to say a prayer for me.
I'm hoping God will bless my work
so that I'm a blessing to them.

Here are some changes happening to my blogs:

Pause Dream Enjoy:

I have spread out my projects to post 
every week until the end of the year.

At least 2 projects a week will post, 
some weeks will have 3-4 projects posted.

Thankfully, I work ahead, and already have 
the rest of the year scheduled.

(I spent yesterday getting all that 
sorted & moved around on the calendar.)

Crafting Happiness Challenge Blog:

Starting immediately all challenges will be
Anything Goes - Every Type of Crafting Welcome!

Also starting June 1st, 
there will no longer be a design team
on my challenge blog. 

It will just be me sharing one 
of my projects for inspiration.

I obviously won't be able to 
comment on every entry, 
but I do see all of 
the entries when choosing Top Picks.

My Design Teams:

I have all of my Design Team 
for my challenge blog 
and the other 
challenge blogs where I am
a design team member completed.

They are all scheduled and
ready to post at the appropriate time
for the rest of the year.

at that time I'll be stepping down 
from all other Design Teams. 

Which is very sad, but necessary. 

Once I get the hang of working again,
I'd like to add a new feature to my blog 
if I have the energy & time. LOL

There are blogs out there that share monthly 
Scripture Writing, 
Daily Prayer topics for your Journal, 
and other types of prompts to motivate you 
to open your Bible and spend time with God. 

I love using these, 
and am thinking about starting 
something like that here.

If this is something you'd like to see 
or have other suggestions, 
please share them with me in the comments. 

I'm not sure when I can get this started, 
but it's something that keeps crossing my mind, 
so I want to pursue it at some point.

Thank you all so much for supporting my blog
with your visits & comments since May 2009!!

Can you believe on May 25th,
Pause Dream Enjoy with be 14 years old?!!

Have a blessed day.
I appreciate you so much.
God bless you.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!
:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy
Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges


  1. God's blessings as life has opened another chapter for you and your family. I'm sure you will find ways to use your talents, creativity, and supplies either in workplace or as ministry or through friends and family. If you're interested a started a FB group several years ago as a private group. There are a few members but I've been the main person sharing in there. It's called Scripturally Inspired Creativity. It's open to a variety of formats: Scripture writing and journaling, word studies, Bible/art journaling, hymnal based journaling/layouts, religious cards/tags/ATCs/etc. Even church decorations, Sunday School/VBS displays/doors/bulletin boards, etc. can be shared. I also belong to a few FB groups that are for either Christian card-makers and/or journaling based if you're interested. Great idea to share entries or even have a separate page for Scripture inspiration.

  2. My very best wishes to you Janis, and praying all will be successful for you. x

    1. Thank you, Faith! I appreciate your daily visits and comments to my blog.

  3. Hi Janis, Sending blessings, prayers, hugs and love to you! I am very happy on your new journey! YAY!

    1. Thank you so much, Migdalia! I appreciate all the prayers, hug, and love sent my way. Have a happy day!
