
Monday, December 15, 2014

Project Life

Good morning! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. We had a lot of fun doing all kinds of things:

  • There was my husband's work dinner at a restaurant we've never been to before - it was delicious & fun!
  • Bonnie got to stay with Kati for a little bit while we went out. She loves visiting her sisters.
  • Our son, Jimmy finished up a two week Army leave staying with us and visiting family and friends he hasn't seen in a while. It was great to be able to spend that time with him before he had to return to Kansas and get back to Army life.
          Jimmy doing his Spock thing....

  • We visited a neighborhood near Columbia that we've been daydreaming about moving to for the past 3-4 years. I think we've finally decided on a lot and have narrowed the floor plan down to three possibilities. MAYBE we can start building in the spring. It's such a dream of our's, I'm not sure it's actually going to become reality until I have the paperwork in my hand. 
  • We made a road trip to Georgia to visit the Apple store there. (Why is there not an Apple store in Columbia, SC?) We looked at the Mac computers and did some drooling over those too. While we were there Tom suggested I mention to them that my new iPhone 6 sporadically stops the sounds it's suppose to make for calls, texts, etc. Do you know they replaced my phone with a brand new one? I was shocked and thankful. And the customer service and sale agents were all very friendly. Nothing but good things to say about that particular store.
  • We walked next door to a toy store. Bonnie walked right in and said, "My Little Ponies?" They pointed to where they were and she said, "Thank you." I swear, that child cracks me up every day. She is social and loves meeting new people. She even invited the Apple store tech to come to our house while we were there. LOL
          She asked us to take this picture and give to Santa...

  •  For lunch we ate at Buffalo Wild Wings. Again, we'd never been there either. DELICOUS! Let me give all you waiters and waitresses out there a hint - if you want a good tip from us - remember Bonnie's name and when she talks to you, even if you can't understand what she's saying, smile and respond. Because we always give a generous tip to those who do. And our server that day did. She'd walk up to the table and ask me and Tom if we needed anything. Then she would look at Bonnie and say, "Do you need more Pepsi, Bonnie? Let me refill that for you." Yes, she got a very nice tip.

I'm sure you're tired of hearing about my weekend now, but it's nice to just chat with you sometimes.

I have decided I'm going to start doing Project Life in January. I don't know a lot about it, but I can learn as I go or just make up my own rules. :) I have been a scrapbooker since the 80's in high school. My scrapbooking has evolved and changed over the years, but since the kids have grown up and moved out, I find I want to scrapbook, but just don't have the photos of them like I used to. Plus just the thought of designing and paper piecing a 12x12 scrapbook page these days, weighs me down. Call me old, but it's the truth. I also think I need a new hobby. Sometimes I just get the blahs, unmotivated, uninspired, and think, "I need a new HOBBY!" I'm not making any promises with the Project Life idea. I may decide it's overwhelming and just do it part of next year. So I'm not going into this with a lot of "Rules" and "Pressure" to do it a certain way for a certain length of time. I want this to be fun, exciting, and a new outlet for creativity. I think it's going to be great. I hope so.

All that said, I'd love to see how you create Project Life Pages. Please link up to your blog posts for as many of your Project Life pages and videos you'd like to share with me. I need information & inspiration! Like I said, I don't have a clue what I'm doing yet, so inspire me! I've ordered a ton of PL stuff from HSN. Should be here the day before or after Christmas. Just in time to get started for January!

I'm going to create a PAGE TAB at the top of my blog for PROJECT LIFE. You can link up your pages here ENDLESSLY. The more the better. I will also be having a Project Life challenge once a month over at PDE Linky Party starting in January - so feel free to share!

Thanks for sitting and chatting with me a while. Big hugs!
:) Janis