
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Handmade Earrings - just in time for Valentine's Day

LOVE theme all month long at Crafting Happiness Challenges!


I am loving my new adventure in making laser cut wood earrings!
Oh my gosh! It's relaxing, therapeutic, and just makes me smile & feel good.

Check out some new earrings to the store:

Item #081
details here

Item #082
details here

Item #090
details here

Item #091
details here

Item #092
details here

Item #093
details here

Item #094
details here

Item #095
details here

Enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog, following, & commenting!!

:) Janis Lewis, Pause Dream Enjoy

Founder & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges

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