
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Back Online and in Alaska!

Hi, everyone!
We made it to our new home in Alaska!
It's beautiful here!!

As soon as we can get everything unpacked, and get into some kind of routine again, we will be updating the Carolina To Alaska blog.

For all of those who helped me keep my three challenge blogs running while I was traveling,


To all the Design Teams I'm on who had patience with me not being able to leave comments on entries while we were traveling,


For all of you who prayed for a safe journey for us,


We only had 2 flats on the 7 day trip and no major issues.
Lots of great photos will be uploaded to our Carolina To Alaska blog soon. Keep checking it!

We drove through 8 states, and 3 Canada Territories. (I think just 3.) 

I was able to read 6 books during those 7 days. 
And when I say "read" I mean "audiobooks."
Vision Impossible
Battlefield of the Mind
A Bone to Pick
A is for Alibi
B is for Burglar
C is for Corpse
(Link up what you are reading this year in my What are you Reading page tab HERE.)

I better get off the computer. I have so much to do. I did get a lot of stuff unpacked and put up today, but still need to organize all of Bonnie's toys, coloring books, little cars, stuffed animals.... oh my gosh. She has more stuff than I do! I'll be catching up with all my commenting on blog entries over the next few days and trying to visit all of your blogs. Be patient with me. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. And I need to update our address everywhere.

Oh! Guess what I learned today? We have a BEAR SEASON here. That just sounds funny. It's from May 1st to October 31st. We live in an area that is known for lots of bear sightings. As long as they stay out of my yard and don't scare me, I'm cool with that. I'll admire them from afar.... like from my deck with them way down the mountainside. :)

Big hugs. I LOVED reading all the comments on my blog each day in the truck as we drove here. You all just completely ROCK!

I drooled and daydreamed over the Close to my Heart catalog the entire trip. I'm pretty sure I'm going to sign up so I can use my own discount. I also want to come up with monthly card and craft kits. I love buying those from other people. Why not make my own for you guys to get from me?

Really, I'm really going now. 

So much to do.

But it's so nice chatting with you again.

Okay, this is it.

Going now.

Can't wait to read your comments.



  1. Hey Janis, glad to see you made it okay! Alaska looks beautiful! Can't wait to see more pictures of your journey!

  2. Glad you all made it safe. Pictures are beautiful!!

  3. what an awesome picture. I was following you on Facebook and saw your travels that way.

  4. So glad you made it safely Janis. It sounds like a wonderful experience and I hope you continue to love it in Alaska! I have a few friends in Alaska and would love to visit one day. Although I'm not sure if I would like living there or not. Summer yes, but not sure about winter. lol So I will live through your Alaskan adventures blog. Enjoy! Hugs, Brenda

  5. Congrats on your new move! One of my students is in law enforcement in Alaska and I have some dear friends that were stationed there for several years and loved it! Enjoy!

  6. Hello my friend!! I know you are going to be busy getting everything set up just like ya'll want it. Can't wait to see all of the pictures ya'll have taken. Snow on the mountain tops, trees all around and bear season!!! How exciting!!! Will love hearing all about it!! :)

  7. So Happy you made it there safely! I loved reading the adventures from you & Tom on Facebook... boy, it looks BEAUTIFUL there... but Wayyy to Flippin' COLD for me!!! :) I know the unpacking can be overwhelming... but you'll get there... just remember to breath every once in awhile.... I almost had a few melt downs myself when I moved almost 2 yrs. ago.... talk about the stress! LOL :)

    Theresa’s Crafty Creations
