
Monday, April 18, 2022

Hello There

Hi There! Hello!

I am sooooo excited to have stumbled 
upon this sketch blog! I'm hoping I can find 
all of their sketches to save 
so I can work on them. 
I love using sketches!

Everything on this card was from 
my scrap box! 
Which means I have no idea 
what paper pad or collection 
the pattern papers came from... 
sorry 'bout that.
Image adhered with foam tape.  

I don't have any of The Stamps Of Life 
products on this card, but I just 
signed up  last week again, 
and I'm excitedly waiting on my 
April Die Hard Club stamp & die set 
and my April Card kit from them! 
I hope it gets here before 
the end of the month. 
We close on our house 
early May and are moving!

If you haven't checked out the 3 club choices from The Stamps of Life -go hop over there now. I've been a member of them off and on over the years, and LOVE them!! If you use my link, you'll get 500 club points right off the bat (so will I)! 

Thanks so much for visiting my blog,
following, & commenting!!
:) Janis, Pause Dream Enjoy

Owner & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges
Design Team, Let's Craft & Create


  1. Janice, such a cute warm friendship card you've created for our Double Trouble "Frame It" challenge! Don't forget to also post it on our parther's blog (Cupcake Inspirations") for an extra chance to win our Double Trouble random prize drawing. Thank you for sharing your card and creative talents with us at Double Trouble!!! -Donna

  2. Your card is so pretty - great sketch, too!

  3. Hi Janis your card is gorgeous. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  4. What a great selection of patterned papers so fit for the interpretation of the sketch you used. Your stitched oval frame for your floral is perfect... very pretty card.

    We are partnering with Dies R Us and you have also met their challenge using metal dies and certainly fits their theme "Spring/Flowers". Please enter their challenge and you can find their link on our challenge post at Double Trouble Challenge Suzanne Reynolds, Owner
    My Personal Blog I Luv Scrapping Too

  5. This is so beautiful Janis, love the papers and how you used them with the sketch. Good luck with the move.
    Faith x

  6. So pretty! Lov ethe layout of this card!
    Have a great day!

  7. lovely. Thanks for joining us at Inky Paws!!

  8. You must have a nice scrap box of goodies because this is absolutely beautiful! The way the papers coordinate with the pitcher of flowers! I'm also glad you are liking the Inky Paws Challenge sketches! I agree that they are always fun to use! The IPC does require the use of Newton's Nook Designs products. The good news is there are free images available! We alternate between theme, color, and sketch challenges. I hope to see more of your creative talents at IPC. Maybe you will become the lucky randomly chosen winner, so you can win the $20 store credit to build your NND stash! Hugs, Debbie

  9. I'm so glad you pulled together your scraps to create this lovely card. Thanks for sharing with use at Use Your Stuff.

  10. Your card is beautiful! I love all of the gorgeous flowers! Thank you so much for joining us at the Inky Paws Challenge!

  11. I love a sketch too! You've done a wonderful job combining your papers. Thanks for sharing at Double Trouble - Crazy Cousin Suzanne

  12. How cheerful, Janis! Your interpretation of the sketch is fabulous and I love the papers you chose. Good luck on your move. I know what it's like. I am relocating in three weeks to a new city 1,800 miles away. Thank you for playing along with us at Double Trouble Challenge #108.

  13. Lovely card Janis. I like your interpretation of the sketch. Thank you for entering the Anything Goes Challenge at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends.

  14. I love using sketches too! This is a darling use of that sketch and I love all the elements that brought it together. Thank you for joining us at Double Trouble! :)
