
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Be Happy. Be Bright. Be You.

Hi There! Hello!

Gorgeous papers from my leftovers stash. No idea where they came from.

Lace (Seam binding) from my mama's sewing goodies

Stitched banner dies

Print 'n cut sentiment banner

Inky Paws Sketch #20

Inside the card, I used some of the tidbits I cut off the banners.

This card was a joy to make. I got to use some dies, a fun sketch, a print 'n cut, gorgeous papers from my stash, and most of all some lace that used to be my Mama's. I love pulling out her sewing things and incorporating them into my crafting. PLUS, she loved butterflies too, so the background paper reminds me of her as well. 

Registered Nurse, 1962 Graduate

I miss my Mama. The 10th of the month would have been her birthday, but instead she's up in heaven having so much fun. 

Mama & Daddy at their high school Senior Prom

When she was nearing death, she had moments of clarity, and moments of unresponsiveness. More than once in her moments of being awake she'd mention things she was seeing like "golden gold vases" among other things. I think she was getting a preview of heaven.  

Also more than once during these times, she'd hold my hand, look straight into my eyes, and tell me in such a strong and confident voice, "I'll see you soon." Then she would slip back into sleep until those wakeful moments became fewer and fewer, and sleep became all her body could manage before slipping away into heaven. 

She was right though. I'll see her again soon. Our time here on earth is just a wink of an eye compared to eternity in heaven with Jesus.

I hope that I'll get to meet you in heaven too. Whatever you are going through right now, whatever pain you are experiencing, anxiety, fear, indecision, unrest, or other things that are weighing you down.... I'm praying for you. I don't have to know your name, God knows it. So I ask in the name of Jesus, that you have peace, knowledge, wisdom, healing, a breakthrough, an answer to prayer, restoration of faith, that the fear inside of you will flee, all in Jesus' name. 

You are not alone. You are never alone. You are precious, worthy, and loved. Remind yourself that. If you need mercy, just ask for it. God promises His mercy is new every day and NEVER runs out. It's available to you. Yes, you. God never turns His back on anyone... ANYONE, who comes to Him for help. We were never meant to travel through this life alone. He knows we need Him. He's just waiting to be invited into your life. I pray you will trust Him. He will never let you down. Sometimes He removes the storm in our lives, sometimes He holds our hand and guides us through it to the other side. Either way, trust Him. He loves you. Yes, you. 

Thanks so much for visiting my blog,
following, & commenting!!
:) Janis, Pause Dream Enjoy

Owner & Design Team, Crafting Happiness Challenges
Design Team, Let's Craft & Create


  1. Such a lovely card with your mother's lace; it is the perfect touch for your bright an uplifting card! I know this will brighten someone's day! Thanks for sharing with us at Path of Positivity! ~Katrina

  2. A Beautiful card Janis and I can tell you miss your Mum. Beautiful writing and thoughts today. Thank you
    Faith x

  3. OH I love this cheerful and so pretty design!! Thanks for sharing with us at Beyond the Blue!

  4. Nice photo of your beautiful mom - I miss my mom too -- lovely card Janis - Thank you for dropping off your art at WAW - best wishes in the draw - blessings - John 3:16

  5. Beautiful card Janis! Love the sentiment. I miss my mom, dad and sister also.
    Have a great day!

  6. Beautiful card!!! Wonderful memories about your mom!! Thanks so much for participating in my PINSPIRATIONAL challenge!!! I appreciate that you play along and I enjoy visiting your blog!! Stay safe and healthy!!
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

  7. Pretty card Janis. I like the sentiment. Thank you for entering the Celebrate Something Special about your Pets or Animals in General Challenge at Path of Positivity.
