
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Warming Up the Buns

Hi, everyone! Did you survive Thanksgiving?
Are you still stuffed? I hope y'all had a great time 
whatever you did.

2021 Christmas card #7

(however, I can no longer find this image in the store to link directly to it.)

CTMH papers - Holly & Ivy
CTHM sticker pack - Holly & Ivy (sentiment)

Fun sketch - I used it upside down though


  1. Hi Janis this is a stunning card. I used to do that when I was a little girl. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. So cute, Janis, I had to smile as I remembered my own toasting by the woodstove as a kid. Perfect colors for our challenge! Thanks so much for playing at Sparkles!

  3. Such a lovely card! So glad you've shared this at Creative Moments. Please come back again!

  4. Such a cute image. I love the card design, great take on your sketch. Thanks for joining us in our Paper Shelter Blog Hop. Best of luck! Patsy DT

  5. Thanks for joining us at Craftyhazelnuts patterned paper challenge blog.
    Happy crafting and Happy festive season
    Catherine x DT

  6. Hi Janis! What a darling image and fabulous card. Thank you for sharing your lovely card, and for playing along with us on The Paper Shelter Blog Hop. Good luck on your entry and I hope to see you again. Hugs, Lori - DT

  7. Love your project! It is beautiful and so cute!! Thank you for joining us over at The Paper Shelter Challenge Blog! I hope that you will come and join us again soon!
    Inky Hugs,
    DT Cristena xx
    My blog

  8. Fabulous Janis. This image really made me smile. Thanks for joining us at Sparkles Christmas Challenge. Love Dawn x

  9. Sweet card. Darling image. I love it. So glad you shared over at Sparkles Christmas.
