
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Weight Watchers Wednesday

How's it going in your world? Are you on track with Weight Watchers? Measuring your portions? Counting your points? If so, good for you! If you were a little slack last week, no worries. Last week is over and done. Gone forever. Today you can pick back up on those good WW habits.

Monday was my 3rd weigh-in day on the program. Considering I ate Chick-fil-a for lunch one day last week, a Wendy's cheeseburger & fries on Saturday, and then a grilled Bubba Bacon Cheddar burger at home for Sunday lunch (I ate half for lunch and saved the other 1/2 for supper), I'm very pleased with my weigh-in results. I also used about 16 of my weekly extra points last week. I normally won't use any or just 1 or 2, so that was also very different, and still I manged to lose some weight. 

Gotta love Weight Watchers. It works. If you do your part, the program works. You can't lie to yourself or guess at portions or points or it won't work so well. But if you stay on track and be honest with yourself when fixing your plate for a meal and stay within portion size, you'll become a believer that WW works. 

Those 49 extra weekly points are there for a reason. They are there to help you not feel deprived. Because believe me, losing weight can be a strong mental struggle. So it's okay to have that Coke or piece of cake, or in my case that hamburger and fries, just count those points accurately. 

Speaking of mental battle, I had 2 cokes in the frig bottom drawer. I knew they were there and I know they cost 4 points if I have one. (Diet is zero points - but does not taste as good as a Coke to me.) Anyway, Tom drank both of those cokes last week. I said, "Why did you drink my last Cokes?" He said, "Why does it matter? You aren't going to drink them." I said, "But I knew they were there in case of emergency. Now that I know they aren't available, I may feel deprived."  That's a mental battle.
I encourage you to hang in there! If you want to leave a comment about your Weight Watcher's journey, I'd love to hear from you. 

Weigh-in Results from Monday.  
Scale said 194.0. 
That's -1.2 pounds for the week. 
A total of -9.4 pounds since I started. 

:) Janis