
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Scrapbook Layout for Week 7

Good morning all my crafty friends! Today I want to show you my scrapbook layouts for Week 7 (last week).

Here is the double layout as it will be in my album.

Left Page:

Top Row:
  • Filler balloon card says, "Fill your heart with what's important."
  • Art Journal pages
  • Mary Ann & Ginger's vet visit photo. That's Ginger with the pink tongue hanging out.
Middle Row:
  • This row all the way across both pages are the photo a day pictures using the provided prompts
  • Energy - water bottles
  • Inspires Me - Sign Language Books
  • Week 7 Label
  • On the Wall - painted canvas of the lake
Bottom Row:
  • U R Perfect filler card with photos of Bonnie after she put on lipstick by herself
  • It's 12 degrees in Kansas where Jimmy is and he thinks a motorcycle ride is fun? That's just cray cray. LOL
Right Page:

Top Row:
  • Tom comforting Mary Ann at the vet's. Mary Ann was panting like crazy.
  • Filler card with hearts around words BABY and AMAZING.
  • Saturday Boat Show and Tom is relaxing in one of the Vendor's chairs.
Middle Row:
  • Pointy - one of our iron chickens
  • Temptation - mini cupcakes Marie (Tom's mom) dropped off for Bonnie for Valentine's Day
  • Love - Bonnie at Wendy's
  • Spot - My favorite spot in the house
Bottom Row:
  • Hot Air Balloon filler card with Marie on the day she came to visit
  • Our babies laying really close to the fire. Think they are cold?
I love scrapbooking! 

Bimini Moose is now open to any type of scrapbooking - so go link up. Always anything goes with unlimited entries. Good luck!

:) Janis

DL. Art - February Anything Goes
Your Scrapbook Place Anything Goes
Creative Moments Anything Goes
Doubleclick - Animals
Inspiration Destination Anything Goes
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Anything Goes


  1. Thanks for sharing and joining us at Inspiration Destination. Hope to see you again and good luck!
    IDCB Owner

  2. Great layout Janis! I love all the fun pictures and cute filler cards!! I also love the pictures of Bonnie with her lipstick on and the pics of the dogs by the fire. lol My pup is very fast at doing her business outside because it is the "feel like" temp of -5! It is cold and the most outrageous is the 12 degree motorcycle ride!! lol Oh to be young again!!! Ok, we need this cold to leave, but it looks like it isn't going anywhere. Much to my dismay. Hugs, Brenda

  3. What a fantastic LO of pictures I have so enjoyed viewing everything such a lovely way to keep the memories, thank you for sharing this with us at LIL PATCH OF CRAFTY FRIENDS
    lorraine x

  4. Such a fab project, thanks so much for playing this time at Lil Patch of crafty Friends.
    Good luck and hope to see you again soon. Andree (DT)

  5. These are so great! Nice pictures! Thanks for joining us over at the DoubleClick Skittles Challenge! DT Member Carri~Abusybee

  6. Love your layouts! Perfect for Your Scrapbook Place challenges this month! Thanks for playing!

  7. awesome!! Thank You for joining the DoubleClick Skittles Challenge! Guest Designer --Rhonda

  8. Thanks for joining ust at Your Scrapbook Place and best wishes. I love your layouts!

  9. You have such a great eye for placement and colour Janis! Love, Love, Love your PL layouts!
